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idk, just look it up that's what someone who posts the real answer would do

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Q: Why does a curve in an object's path slow the object down?
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When an object is traveling in a circular path around another object?

Yes an object can be accelerate if its moving along a curve path because when the object moves along a curve path it has constant speed and there is still change in velocity and change in velocity has acceleration

Why does an object move faster on a straight path than a curved path?

With a curved path you have to slow down to curve as with a straight path you dont have to slow down you can do as fast as you need to go to get threw it.

What effect does a force have on a moving object when the force is not along the objects path?

Air resistance slows down the object. The kinetic energy accelerates the object. Friction creates a reaction between the surface and the object.

Why does a comets path curve around a large object like the sun?

gravity pulls it towards the large object

Why does a comet's path curve around a large object like the sun?

gravity pulls it towards the large object

What is the name of the path an objects takes when it revolves around another object?

an orbit

The quantity that describes the length of an objects path only?

Distance is the quantity that describes length of an object's path only no matter what path is covered.

What 2 reasons explain why an object orbits another object?

1) The path of one object orbiting another object is a straight path in a curved space time. 2) The curvature of space time is caused by the mass of the objects.

Which factor produces Centripetal force?

Any object traveling in a circular path must have a centripetal force on it in order to cause it to curve.

Is space is really curve?

The sir of astronomy said that space is curve but how that is possible according to me space can not curve if space is the form of curve than all galleries ,plants ,stars, and everything which belong to universe will be move in the same way but there are moving in special curve path . The curve path be may because of different forces which make them make is a curve path. The forces are well know my as . But on curve path I have a example suppose that you are moving on a path the path is curve you are moving in a straight line with any speed but it appear to as that we are moving in a curve path. in reality we are moving in straight line. same condition of earth which are moving in a curve due to same special forces not in a curve space. Now we know very wall that the curve path is due to same special forces which force any body to move in a curve path . In short the curve is due to same force , it is not mean that space is curve. If so than the shape of space is like Imagine the image

What happens when an objects is in the path of lights?

If the object is opaque to the frequency of light impinging on it, some of the light will be reflected and the rest will be converted to heat in the opaque object.

What curved path an object follows when thrown?

Actually, if you were to ask a Gunners Mate in the Navy, he'd tell you that the curved path of an object thrown is called a trajectory. And in a practical case, trajectories are not parabolic when traveled in a gas, like our atmosphere. They are parabolic if and only if the objects are not also acted on by drag and angular momentum forces. And any good curve ball pitcher in baseball can prove that.