

Why does a footballer need coordination?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Why does a footballer need coordination?
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Why do footballers need coordination?

footballers need coordination to be able to think and kick at the same time for example if the footballer has possession of the ball then he needs to keep possession of the ball by dribbling it and at the same time avoinding the opposing players. Hope it helps! =P

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You need the coordnations to move to each planet.

Why do football players need coordination?

Coordination is the ability to repeatedly execute a sequence of movements smoothly and accuratley. football players need coordination to be able to aim and kick the ball into the goal.

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in the game

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Approaches for effective coordination?

1. Using basic management techniques.2. Increasing coordination potentials.3. Reducing the need coordination.

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yes. because if they don't have coordination, they couldn't execute a stroke properly. . .

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To be a footballer, you need to train hard, eat a right diet,and balance out your food, you need to have either or both stamina and speed, strengths...

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Due to the introvertical side of the game you need coordination to be able to kick the ball hard into the air. Digging or passing the ball is essential in volleyball and in order to pass the ball you need to have good coordination. In other words you can't be tight, you need to be loose.

When does a footballer need speed?

When he's running