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Q: Why does a gas leak fill a room quickly?
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Why does a gas leak fill a room quick?

because gas is one of the fastest moving things. i dunno really?

Why is it that your car smell of gas for days after you fill up?

because your car has a gas leak

How do you fill gas in split ac?

There are ways to fill gas in split air conditioners. If someone attempts this themselves, there can be a gas leak. It is best to hire a professional to do this.

What can fill up a room but take no room?

It can be light,sound,gas and air

What should a person do when they have found a natural gas leak?

When a person encounters a natural gas leak they should open the windows and isolate the concern if the leak is faint, but if the odor is strong then you must leave quickly get yourself away from the leak and call the utility company or 911. Calling the utility will also help with a faint gas leak.

What cause gas to leak from front of gas tank?

Probably not the tank but the fill tube, or fuel lines coming from the fuel pump

Gas with an odor is released in a room it quickly detected across the room because?


What is the matter in a gas state will out to fill its container?

it will move randomly and quickly to fill the empty space in the container..that's how the matter in a gas do to fill the container.. P/s: gas is matter that has mass and occupied space.

Will gas leak inside a Honda civic if there is a gas leak?

yes they did have a gas leak

You can smell a burning scented candle across a room because?

the liquid vaporizes and the resulting gas molecules wander about the room

Does cooking oil becomes gas very quickly at room temperature?

No, it doesn't.

Can you have electricity leak like a gas leak?

not like a gas leak but yes