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Q: Why does a greater momentum make something travel farther?
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Why can a batter hit a pitched baseball further than a ball tossed in the air by the batter?

A ball that is pitched has a greater velocity and a greater momentum so when the bat hits the ball and transfers energy to the ball, the greater the original momentum the more force that the ball will travel with causing it to go farther.

What is the difference between further and farther?

further is used in conjuction with the word "more", meaning exactly that...more. Farther is a function of distance.Examples:I want to further my career.How much farther do I need to run to get to the finish line.The farther I travel down this road the furtherbehind schedule I get.Further and farther are adverbs that are used interchangeably. The definition of farther is to a greater degree or at a greater distance. Further means essentially the same but also in addition or moreover (as in, "Further, we should leave at any moment".

Will different gases make a ball travel farther if so which gas will make a ball travel the farthest?

Yes balls travel different distances depending on the gas. Hydrogen gas(H₂) is the lightest gas, that is why they used it in the Hindenburg, and it is the obvious guess for the one that will let the ball travel the farthest. It turns out that hydrogen has half the dynamic viscosity of air but viscosity as it turns out is not the dominate force of resistance in this case.The major force of resistance will be that created as a result of having to push the gas out of the way of the ball. In that process the ball will be delivering momentum to the gas.Now keep in mind that a force is the rate that momentum is being delivered to something(F=dP/dt). Each second, a ball of a given size, traveling at a given speed will be causing a given volume of air to aquire a certain velocity. Now momentum is the product of mass and velocity (P=mv). Now, because of the ball, we have a given volume of gas aquiring a certain velocity each second. The greater the mass of that gas the more momentum that gas will be aquiring and the greater will be the force required of the ball. Remember the force is the rate that momentum is being delivered to the gas.Newtons third law says that the more the ball pushes on the air the more the gas pushes on the ball. Another way of saying that is, the more momentum the ball deliverse to the gas the more momentum the ball looses.The bottom line is that the lighter the gas, the less momentum the ball will loose to the gas each second and the farther the ball will travel, so hydrgen which is the lightest gas would be the best gas.The link in the Related links below goes into more detail and goes through some of the mathematics.

Does the height of a ramp effect the speed of a car?

If you are talking about a car rolling down a ramp then yes. The taller the ramp the more momentum the car will create there for the car will travel farther and faster.

In an explosion why do the smallest part that travel fastest and the furthest do the most damage?

the momentum of all the objects are the same so velocity is greatest at greater distances.

How did the building of the railroads affect peoples ability to travel?

People could travel farther and more frequently. Also, rail travel was safer

Do the Tampa Bay Buccaneers travel farther when they play Houston Oilers or the Dallas Cowboys?

They travel farther to get to Dallas. Houston is on the eastern side of Texas, closer to Florida.

Do the Tampa Buccaneers travel farther when they play the Rams in St. Louis or the cowboys in Dallas?

cowboys are farther.

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A satelllite in an elliptical orbit travel at constant?

The angular momentum will be conserved.

Do the Tampa Bay Buccaneers travel farther when they play the Rams in St. Louis or the Dallas cowboys?

cowboys are farther.

Do Tampa bay Buccaneers travel farther when the play the Rams St. Louis or the Cowboys in dallas?

cowboys are farther.