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Sponges are often added to the tank to increase humidity and generally are better replaced by dried moss soaked in saltwater.

Hermit crabs pick and tear at them much like they will any tank decoration. They will eat it over time and as long as it is a natural sponge it is perfectly safe. Hermit crabs are natural scavengers so they are programmed to tear things apart and consume them if they are consumable.

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Q: Why does a hermit crab tear up it's sponge?
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Related questions

How long do hermit crab live?

A Hermit crab can live up to 100 years of age

Where do hermit crab eggs hatch?

Hermit crab eggs are fertilized by the ocean and then washed up by the waves.

How do hermit crabs hunt their food?

some put a enineme (spongy animal that looks like a plant) and move around, this animal stings other fish that come to the hermit crab. the sponge thing get food and the hermit crab can get protected. I really wanted to say that but the crab uses it's shell for camoflouge while it sneaks up and eats stuff.

Can What if your Hermit Crab vomit?

dude shut up

Will hermit crabs eat a molting crab?

Yes, so if a hermit crab is molting put some card board in between the hermit crab and the others because the others might dig it up and eat it alive. Make SURE both sides of hermit crabs have food and water. Even though the hermit crab might not dig up that, day it might while you are away, and it will need food and water as soon as it comes up.

How many babies Does a pet hermit crab have?

They can have up to 1,000+

Do hermit crabs act dead when they are molting?

Yes. When a hermit crab is molting, it reserves energy by not moving. The old skin will be shed and look like a ghost crab. Make sure that your hermit crab has plenty of water in it's dish or sponge as humidity is a great help to him or her during this process.

How does a hermit crab protect itself from its enemies?

It curls up in its shell. The animals cant eat the shell and are to stupid to crush it thus he hermit crab is safe.

How long is a hermit crab?

Hermit crabs can get up to 1 or 2cm . - Taylor Musgrave ; Myspace mee (:

Is your hermit crab a boy or a girl?

You can tell by looking underneath the third row of legs on your hermit crab. On a female Hermit crab, there are two small holes underneath the third row of legs. These holes are called "Gonopores". On a Male hermit crab there are no holes. To check-get your hermit crab out and hold it's shell up. Make sure the shell is facing towards the ceiling and the hermit crab's body is facing torwards the floor. while the hermit crab is dangling upsidown you are able to see underneath the legs where the gonopores might be. And remember: No gonopores=MALE.....gonopores=FEMALE Hope this helps! :)

How much does a 'hermit crab' cost?

three dollars if you want a hermit crab without a cage, and 33 dollars if you want a hermit crab with a cage.

How long can a wild hermit crab live?

Up to 20 years