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because the hoter the liquid the more particles can move out and it heats the air and warmer air can hold more liquid this is not the right answer -.-

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Noemy Grady

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Q: Why does a liquid's rate of evaporation increases when the liquid is heated?
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Why does a liquids evaporation rate increases when liquid is heated?

More molecules have enough energy to overcome the attractive forces holding them in the liquid.

Why does the liquids rate of evaporation increase when the liquid is heated?

Heating a liquid increases the kinetic energy of its molecules, causing them to move faster. This increased movement at the liquid's surface leads to more molecules escaping into the air as vapor, thus increasing the rate of evaporation.

Why does a liquid's rate of evaporation increase when the liquids is heated?

because the hoter the liquid the more particles can move out and it heats the air and warmer air can hold more liquid this is not the right answer -.-

Why does a liquids rate of evaporation increase when a liquid is heated?

because the hoter the liquid the more particles can move out and it heats the air and warmer air can hold more liquid this is not the right answer -.-

What happens to a particle in a liquid when heated?

The Particles Vibrate , Causing the liquid to evaporate leaving behind a gas. ! Sophie :)

What is the word for when a liquid changes to a solid when heated?

evaporation evaporation

What is meant by evaporation of liquids?

evaporation is a precess where liquid changes to gas

The rate of evaporation of a liquid decreases as the temperature decreasestrue or false?

as the temperature increases, the rate of evaporation increases

What is Evaporation for kids?

Evaporation is when a liquid turns into a gas. It can happen when liquids are cold or when they are warm. It happens more often with warmer liquids.

Why does the liquids rate of evaporation increase when the liquid is heate?


What is heated liquid turned to gas called?

Evaporation is the process and the gas formed by liquid in heated condition is called vapours

Do liquids expands when heated?

Only one liquid expands when heated and thats water the most common liquid.