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It gets wet.

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Q: Why does a pencil seem to be split in to 2 when it is in water?
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What does a refracted image look like?

A Refracted image is like an illusion. Which fools the brain e.g. You see a pencil but the pencil has split in two parts.Demonstration:You will need: Glass, Pen or Pencil and WaterSteps:1. Put the glass on a table,2. Fill the glass to about 3/4 quarters of water,3. Put the Pen or Pencil in the glass of water,4. See what happens to the pencil.See, it seems to have split.

Is a pencil dencer then water?

no, a pencil will float therefore it is less dense than water(ticonderoga #2 pencil was used)no pencils were harmed in the execution of this experiment

How can 5 friends share 2 jugs of water?

You split the water evenly into cups

How do you make smencils?

To make smencils, you will need: Recycled Newspaper A pencil (OF COURSE) A cup of water a plastic plate or steel a lime, lemon, or orange Scissors 1. Cut out the newspaper into a medium sized piece, 2. Wrap the newspaper around the pencil. 3. Mix the water with the lemon juice. 4. Let the pencil soak in the water with the juice for some 2-3 hours. 5. Take out the pencil and put it on a plate. 6. Wait till all the newspaper is dry. TADA! You know have a scented pencil.

How can you tell if a pencil is a number 2 pencil?

Usually on most pencils it says it on the case or on the side of the pencil by the eraser it says PENCIL #2 or #2.Hope i helped!:)

Which Indian pencil is equivalent to US pencil number 2?


Is HB 2 the softest lead pencil?

I don't quite understand what you mean by HB-2 pencil but if you mean HB pencil / #2 Pencil it is not the softest pencil. Pencils scale from 9H to 9B, (HB in the middle) and 9B would the softest and darkest pencil there.

Which is longer a 10-cm or a 2-dm pencil?


Is a No. 1 pencil harder or softer than a No. 2 pencil?

It's softer. #1 softest, #2 slightly harder, #3 harder than #2, etc.Softer.a #1 pencil is softer than a#2 pencil

Why is the number 2 pencil still number 2 if it is the most popular?

The 2 is the number of the lead in the pencil.

What is a hb pencil?

An HB pencil is just a No. 2 Pencil HB stands for Hard Black

What is a mormal pencil?

It's spelled 'normal,' and it is a #2 pencil.