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Q: Why does a person with add adhd have a hard time with organization?
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How do you ask out a girl that has the ADHD disorder?

The same way you would ask any girl out - simply ask the question. ADHD doesn't affect how a person relates to other people - it simply means the person has a harder time focusing on one thing for an extended period of time.

What gender faces the greatest difficulty in going through puberty?

That depends on the person and how hard puberty is on them. It's very emotional time but if you already have a disorder for instance like ADHD it can be even worse. Physically both genders seems quite busy with theirs.

How does nicotine affect those with ADHD?

Individuals with ADHD suffer from bad impulses, poor concentration, and have a hard time remaining still. Nicotine is stimulant like most ADHD medications. In fact, research has proven that individuals with ADHD more likely to try smoking at a younger age and more likely to transition into a full-time smoker. Nicotine like amphetamine (Dexedrine, Adderall) or methylphenidate (Concerta, Ritalin) causes a release of dopamine and reduces the breakdown of other neurotransmitters in the brain. This causes nicotine to be more rewarding to those with ADHD due to its calming effects.

What are the indicators that someone has ADHD?

the person may have trouble paying attention, acting on impulse, and inability to stay still for a short amount of time

How mature is a 17 year old girl with ADHD?

That depends on the girl. ADHD does not control how she is in every way or affect maturity. There are also different levels of ADHD and how she has been raised and plays a big part. ADHD can be medicated so they have a easier time to concentrate and focus but that has nothing to do with maturity. A 17yo is not an adult yet but more adult than a child. So it depends on the person.

What senses does ADHD affect?

ADHD doesn't affect typical senses (i.e. smell, taste, etc); however, ADHD can effect an individual's sense of time.

Do you get extra time in exams if you have ADHD?


What is organization and why is it important?

Organization means putting things into groups and knowing where everything and being prepared to get it. Organization is important because without organization you would be unprepared for things and lose things easily and you would have a hard time knowing where things are.

Is the technology usage linked to ADHD?

Technology usage has not been found to cause ADHD, however individuals with ADHD may spend more time with technological devices (Internet, video games, etc.) due to the massive stimulation each can provide. Excessive technology usage can cause symptoms that appear similar to ADHD, but once the technology is removed the person after a withdrawal period would stop displaying symptoms.

Does anyone from Big Time Rush have ADHD?

everyone has it

Dose anyone from big time Rush have adhd?


What is ADHD like?

People with ADHD tend to act on impulse, have trouble focusing correctly, and/or have inability to stand still for a short time.