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Q: Why does a ping-pong ball attract then repel on a plastic rod?
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What is a ping pong ball made of?

plastic , designed to be very light for hitting with a pingpong bat It is made of plastic

Is a foosball more like a pingpong ball or a golf ball?

A foosball out of those two would be more like a golf ball because it is quite solid. It is basically a perfectly smooth, hard plastic ball.

How big is each planet in tiny ball form?

Ok. Sun: basket ball mecury: marble venus and earth: tennis ball mars: pingpong ball jupiter: medium sized football saturn: small sized football Uranus: pingpong ball neptune: pingpong ball (pluto): marble

What hits the ground earlier a cricket ball or a pingpong ball?

Cricket Ball yaar

How do you seperatae in two ways plastic beads and steel ball bearings?

You could use a magnet to attract the steel ball bearings and then you would be left with the plastic beads.

How many pingpong balls can fit on a football field?

There is no rubber in a soccer ball

What will happen if a negatively charged rod is brought close to a small plastic ball if the ball is postively charged?

They will attract becuase oppsites attract. If something is positivley charge and the other this is negativley charged they will almost always attract. Hope I helped.

Why it is called pingpong?

Only because of the sound made when the ball hits the bat or paddle

What is lighter than a golf ball?

A pingpong ball. There much lighter like if i throw them at my head with my shotgun it will not hurt much.

Can the tennis ball attract a brush?

a tennis ball cannot attract a brush. just like the brush cannot attract the tennis ball!

How do you fix a dented pingpong ball?

boil it in water, the dent should rise back up unless there is a crack