

Why does a planet shine?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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A planet reflects light from another sourse such as the sun.

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Why do planet shine?

Planets shine because they reflect light from the sun.

How the moon and the planet shine?

That's because the sun's(or the star in that solar system) light reflects of the moon or the planet

Do a sun shine in a tropical rainforest?

The sun shines on all areas of our planet.

What side does the moon shine on Florida?

The same side as everyone else on this planet.

Can a planet shine by its own?

An object requires a source of energy to shine. The Earth does not. Pictures of the Earth are always taken with the reflection of the Suns energy - similar to how you see the Moon.

Does the sun shine on every planet in space?

No. There are more than 8 planets in the universe. The Sun (our star) does shine on all planets in our solar system, just in different amounts.

Are star and planet alike?

A star and a planet, both have cores.

Does Pluto shine on its own?

No planet shines on its own. They are just like the moon and have the light reflected off them from the sun.

Does the sun shine on one side of the Earth at a time?

yes, but the earth rotates so that a new piece of the earth faces the sun day in and day out. this is what causes day and night on the planet. (Shine a flashlight on an orange, and turn the orange in your hand.)

How are astrologers able to predict the future?

Astrologers predict the future based on planetary positions at the time of birth. Planets in astrology are categorized based on their effects. Mars - The planet of ambition. It brings ambition, drive, energy and effort. Mercury - The planet of communication. Communication is the focal point of your life. Jupiter - The planet of fortune. You gain. You attract luck. Everything is positive. Venus - The planet of love. Relationships and business. Saturn - The planet of discipline. You strive to succeed and achieve your goals. Sun - The planet of light. You shine. You shine bright. Your life is of happiness and fulfilment. Moon - The planet of emotions. You enjoy life. Your emotions are high. You suffer low. Rahu - The planet of bad luck. You attract negative energies. You get hurt. Ketu - The planet of bad luck. You attract negative energies. You get hurt. Pluto - The planet of transformation. You change

What part of speech is the word shine?

Shine is a noun (a shine) and a verb (to shine).

Who wrote shine Jesus shine?

Shine Jesus Shine was written by Graham Kendrick