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This is how they show affection!

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Q: Why does a rat urinate on a person?
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What do you do if your rat cant hold in her urine?

First, I would ask what you mean by "hold in her urine". It is normal for a rat to urinate while walking sometimes or when you are holding them. My rats won't urinate in the bedding where they sleep, but they urinate all over everywhere else. i know it can be messy, but I just clean out their cages once a week and it's not much of a problem.

Who was the first person to urinate?

It was Adam, he was the first person on Earth!

How many rat scratches can kill a person?

about 20 rat scratches can kill a person

Who was the first person to urinate on the moon?

Buzz Aldrin.

Is it illegal to urinate on a person?

unfortunately yes it counts as an assault

Does having to urinate increase sexual gratification?

No, because in a related question, I answered that is impossible to urinate or have the urge to urinate during sex and if it happened, whatever going on wasn't sexually stimulating to the person.

How can a person get a male cat to urinate in their face?

I don't think you can unless the cat wants to. Cats only urinate where they think it's safe and where it won't get in the way of anything. They usually urinate in sand pits, or boxes, or just places they know they are allowed to 'urinate' in!

What is name of the person that play the rat in rattouie?

If you are talking about the main rat, Remy, then it is Patton Oswalt

What is the name of the Coruscanti rat person homeworld?


What is the meaning of a black rat in a dream?

A black rat suggests filth, repulsion and/or danger, unless you happen to have a fondness for pet rats or lab experiments. In American slang, "a rat" also is a person who betrays friends or associates. To "smell a rat" means sensing that something criminal is going on.

How often should a person urinate in a date?

1-3 depending on how much they have to drink.

What is a mild case of paruresis?

In which the person can urinate in public facilities under certain circumstances.