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Reflex actions are loosely defined as any action that the body performs unconsciously. There are several different kinds of reflex actions, including some that are responses to external stimuli and others that regulate body organs and functions. There is also a theoretical class of reflex actions that can be learned, but the existence of these and the mechanism behind them is debated.

Many reflex actions happen in response to external stimuli, and most of these actually work without any involvement from a person's brain. For example, if a person trips at a campsite and his hand falls into the campfire, he will quickly retract it without even thinking. This happens because the nerve signal from the injury travels through the body-when it reaches the spinal cord, it triggers an automatic response before the brain can ever get involved. The spinal cord reacts by sending back another signal that causes the person to automatically pull his hand away from the fire.

This kind of response is also responsible for the well-known knee-jerk reflex that doctors use to test a person's nervous system. In that case, the purpose of the reflex is to help a person stay balanced when walking. Most of these kinds of reflexes exist to protect people from injury or deal with things that require immediate action. For example, people blink when something is flying towards their eyes, and this sometimes happens so fast that people don't even realize they're doing it.

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10y ago

Reflexes happen so quickly because they take place through the reflex arc. This means after a stimulus has been detected, the synapse occurs in the spinal cord, rather than passing through the brain, saving time.

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so you can get trolled in the batty crease

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The nerve impulse bypasses the brain and goes straight to the muscle or organ that it needs to stimulate in response to the stimulus.

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If you are referring to the muscular reflexes, it is because the electric impulses across the nerves travel very fast.

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Q: Why does a reflex action happen so quickly?
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Where do reflex actions occur?

Reflex action means a reaction you have given involuntarily. If you touch the immensely painful object, the touching hand or foot is removed away with out your knowledge. Here three neurons are involved. 1) Afferent 2) In the spinal cord 3) Efferent. This is called as reflex arc. Simultaneously information goes to higher centers and you notice the the problem, later on. So reflex action occurs at the level of spinal cord only.

What controls the thickness of the lens to help focus light on the retina?

It is detected by the retina and 'thickness' varies as it is a reflex action; it cannot be controlled. Basically, 'you' cause it without knowing so.

Which reflex arcs contain no association neuron?

The patellar reflex is an example of a 2-neuron reflex arc. It has 1 sensory neuron and 1 motor neuron. It does not contain an association neuron and so is considered the most simple reflex in humans.

Is the response of your pupil a reflex or a voluntary action?

The constriction of pupils in response to bright light is called the pupillary light reflex. If the light is shining directly into one eye, then the pupil in that eye will constrict (a direct response), but so will the pupil in the non-illuminated eye (a consensual response).This reflex involves two cranial nerves: the optic nerve, which senses the light, and the oculomotor nerve, which constricts both pupils. It is considered involuntary since you don't think about it.

what type of reflex is the knee?

The knee reflex is also called the knee-jerk reflex by tapping the patellar tendon with a reflex hammer. This sends sensory information to the spinal cord at L4 and motor information back to the Quadriceps in the thigh (relaxing the hamstrings). This is reflex requires only two neurons. No interneuron. And so is very rapid. It is important in balance and posture.

Related questions

How does a reflex cause you to act so quickly?

It bypasses the brain.

Is the pupil a reflex or voluntary?

Pupils reacts to light, narrowing in bright light and widening in poor light - so is a reflex action.

How do you float on modern warfare reflex on the wii?

the only way possible for that to happen is if the game glitches. There is no way that it can happen it does so unexpectedly if the game is glitched.

Where do reflex actions occur?

Reflex action means a reaction you have given involuntarily. If you touch the immensely painful object, the touching hand or foot is removed away with out your knowledge. Here three neurons are involved. 1) Afferent 2) In the spinal cord 3) Efferent. This is called as reflex arc. Simultaneously information goes to higher centers and you notice the the problem, later on. So reflex action occurs at the level of spinal cord only.

Why brain is not involve during reflex actions?

A reflex action or reflex arc bypasses the brain as to decrease transmission time from detection to response, i.e. the time it takes for the body to initiate a response in relation to the effecting stimulus. This decrease in time allows for minimal damage to tissue or surrounding cells which may be affected by a certain stimulus.

What are the 5 types of reflex action?

Porilteation systmy. manaractioin of and reaction compinds with the andcreatsir that will prove that the human reaction type. the 5 reflex action is a polarication and will spare and exraction and will privede saysrmad that will come. The 5 types of reflex action is. 1) The columents system will react faste as you know what you are doing. 2) reaction of your eyes so you will see what you are doing. 4) see what your doing in an insteant. 5) recover from what you see and doing and a reaction time that is friar andasrtment from your eyes and hand to see the reaction for example you a stop watch you will need fast reaction time to make your caluation right.

What is with this weird phenomenon so called de ja vu is it psychic?

De ja vu is more a reflex action than a psychic one

What will happen if you run away from destiny?

The dictionary explains destiny as "An event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future". So destiny is the result of an action on our part. We can wait the result of that action which is destined to happen. Even if we change that action destiny will always be there, there is no escape, so must accept what destiny awaits us.

What are the advantages of the fact that most reflex actions are governed by spinal cord?

Reflex actions are governed by three neurons only. If some body tries to hit on your eye, you blink by reflex action. Here again only three neurons are involved, although the middle neuron passes through your brain. Reflex action means only three neurons are involved and that saves lot of time required to think over the serious matter. So in reflex action you respond first and then brain notice the problem.The spinal reflex is fast. The reason it is fast is because the decisions are made at spinal cord level, rather than the nerves having to travel up to the brain and back down to the source.Because you are able to react quicker without having to think about it.1 It reduces the work load of brain. 2 The reflex action is under control of spinal cord, the message is sent to the brain later on.If it would have been under control of brain, it would have reqired longer duration for us to react, which has potential to cause damage to body tissue. Hence presence of spinal cord increases efficiency of reflex action.

Would salivary reflex be a somatic reflex?

In some circumstances I guess so.

Is the tongue involved in the swallowing reflex?

The tongue is involved in the swallowing reflex insofar as it raises voluntarily to force food backward toward the pharnyx, where reflex action takes over in which the larynx is closed by the epiglottis and the nasal passages are closed by the soft palate so that food does not enter into the trachea. Food then moves down the esophagus by peristalsis and gravity.

Why do you shiver when scared?

Shivering when scared is a result of the body's fight-or-flight response to stress. When you feel frightened, your body releases adrenaline, which can cause muscles to tense up and shiver in order to prepare for potential danger. It's a reflex action designed to help you respond quickly to threats.