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Q: Why does a salmon swim upstream riddle?
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When do salmon swim upstream in Scotland?

August til November

What most directly salmon to swim in a river?

Salmon swim upstream to live out their adult lives. The thing that helps them to swim upstream is purely will power and instinct. They are taught all of their lives to swim to the ocean when they are adults and return to the river where they were born to give birth and die.

What most directly helps salmon to swim a river?

Salmon swim upstream to live out their adult lives. The thing that helps them to swim upstream is purely will power and instinct. They are taught all of their lives to swim to the ocean when they are adults and return to the river where they were born to give birth and die.

What most directly helps salmon swim in a river?

Salmon swim upstream to live out their adult lives. The thing that helps them to swim upstream is purely will power and instinct. They are taught all of their lives to swim to the ocean when they are adults and return to the river where they were born to give birth and die.

What most directly helps salmon swim in rivers?

Salmon swim upstream to live out their adult lives. The thing that helps them to swim upstream is purely will power and instinct. They are taught all of their lives to swim to the ocean when they are adults and return to the river where they were born to give birth and die.

What does it mean swimming up stream?

Swimming upstream is to do something the hard way. It is more difficult to swim against the current. Salmon swim upstream in order to spawn.

Name of the fish which swims against the flow of water?

Salmon swim against the current to get to their breeding spot where they were born.

How can a salmon swims upstream using Newtions Third law of motion?

Fish swim upstream by powerfully thrusting their tails to counteract the current. They are then able to slowly but surely travel upstream.

Where do salmon live most of their lives?

mostly swimming with the stream but during breeding season they will swim upstream

Where salmon getting food?

Salmon fish get food from the river beds. They will eat the algae, small organisms and other fish. They in other words clean the river as they swim upstream.

What level do salmon swim upstream top middle or bottom of the river?

they usually swim in ocean, but when they born, get eggs, they go back to the same spot where they were born, which can be top, middle, or bottom.