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Q: Why does a spark occur when a person touches an uncharged object?
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Why does a spark occur when a person who is charged touches an uncharged object?

Near the charged object, there is a high charge, near the uncharged object a low charge. As you bring them together the gradient between the two gets steeper and steeper until it is strong enough to pull electrons away from the atoms in the air, ionizing it. The ionized air conducts electricity better, making the gradient steeper still, and a chain reaction occurs. The energy stored is released in a sudden discharge, causing the heat, light and sound of the spark. Lightning follows the same principle.

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120 volts. Probably won't kill you, but it isn't pleasant.

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The object's velocityi will change.

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They occur when a heavy object falls onto a person, splitting the skin and shattering or tearing underlying structures

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Where it changes a word into a noun which is the form and the something for example, occur. The noun form of occur is occurrence so it's changing the verb into a noun - person, place and object.

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Resonance can occur when an object vibrates at another objects resonant frequency.

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No. Changes in motion can occur in other ways. A change in motion can occur if that object exerts a net force on another object, like another ball on a billiard table. The object could also bump into an immovable object and its motion would change.

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by an object blocking light

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