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air expands whenheated

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Q: Why does air occupy more space when heated?
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Does air ocuupy space?

Yes,air occupy space

Why does air have more nitrogen than oxygen?

because it is light in weight there for occupy more space

Does wind occupy space?

If you mean "Does air occupy space?" then yes it does when we compress air it takes space.. but when its not compressed we may not feel it but it still does take up space..

Why does air accupy more space when it is heated?

The molecues making up the air receive the energy from the heat, and as they become more excited they spread out and fill more space.

When happens when air is heated?

It expands, taking up more space, if there is no more space, pressure in the container increases.

Did the air occupy space in your mouth?


Does warm air take up more space?

yes, as the particles of air are heated, it moves more rapidly, which causes it to expand

Why is it unlikely for the volume of air to reach zero?

There would literally be no air as there would be no space for it to occupy. If you compress air sufficiently it will liquify, but stilll occupy a discrete volumes.

The molecular activity associated with heat causes warm air to blank than colder air?

heat causes warm air to occupy more space than colder air.

What does air occupy?

Like all other forms of matter, air exists in space and time. It occupies the space-time continuum.

Are air and water matter?

As both air and water occupy space, they must be matter, as such is the nature of matter/

How much space would 4 kg of air occupy if the density is 0.0019g?