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Q: Why does alka seltzer desolve faster then it would in water?
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Why does alka-seltzer dissolve faster in hot water?

The heat gives the water molecules more kinetic energy to pull the alka seltzer particles apart (dissolve) , hence the increased temperature would speed up the rate of reaction.

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No, it wouldn't. a sugar cube would melt a lot faster in a cup of Hot water. the hot water helps it desolve more evenly than cold water.

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Does alka-seltzer dissolve quicker in cold or hot water?

the warm water would speed up the reaction expediting the gas release. also hot water can't hold as much gas. so the answer is 2 part. for the medicinal properties you want to have more gas absorbed so you want it cooler, that really is what helps your stomach, the gases, but for the alka-seltzer rockets etc you want it warmer.

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Your house could flood and it would desolve

Will alka-seltzer dissolve faster in half?

Substances dissolve more quickly when more surface area is exposed. By cutting an alka-seltzer in half, you are exposing more surface area to the solvent (water). It would dissolve even more quickly if it were cut into more pieces or crushed into a fine powder.

Do loliepops desolve quicker in hot or cold water?

It would make an excellent experiment. However, most sugars will dissolve best in hot water.

What water do alka seltzer react in faster?

Yes, Hot water makes the tablets dissolve much faster than when they are placed in cold water. Alka-Seltzer tablets dissolve faster in hot water rather than cold because the more heat something has the more energy the atoms or molecules in the object get. so in hot water the molecules inside are moving around really fast and have tons of energy to dissolve the tablet while in cold water the molecules are still moving around but at a slower pace therefore taking longer to dissolve the tablet.

If water was boiled an a saucepan would water be evaportated faster or slower than water that is not heated?

it would be faster

Which one would take longer to dessolve crushed alka seltzer or full alka seltzer?

The whole tablet takes longer because less surface area is exposed to the water.