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because it is both different and that one if faster

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Q: Why does ammonia gas diffused faster than hydrogen chloride gas?
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Why does hydrochloric acid diffuse faster than ammonia gas?

This is because hydrogen chloride has almost twice the molecular weight of ammonia, and the rate of diffusion is inversely proportional to the square root of the molecular mass of the gas.

What gas diffuses more quickly hydrochloric acid or ammonium hydroxide?

Two gasses at the same temperature have the same average amount of kinetic energy per molecule. An ammonia (NH3) molecule has less mass than hydrochloric acid (hydrogen chloride, HCl) molecule. Since the NH3 has the same amount of kinetic energy as the more massive HCl, ammonia molecules will move faster and thus diffuse faster. Kinetic energy ~ 1/2*m*v2

Why does ammonia travel faster than a hydrochloric acid?

Because ammonia is lighter thus it travels faster

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because in its normal conformation, Chlorine and hydrogen are in axial position, which is required for E2. in menthyl chloride energy is required to do a ring flip to get chlorine into axial, and hence reaction is slowe

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Water freeze before ammonia. Ammonia need high pressure to freeze.

Which would diffuse faster ammonia or hydrochloric acid?

Ammonia would. The lower the molecular mass the faster it diffuses,. Ammonia (NH3) has a mass of about 17 AMU while hydrochloric acid about 36.5

How does ammonia water cool the body?

Evaporation. The ammonia evaporates faster than the water and cools the skin.

Does ammonia expire?

If ammonia is left in an open container (no lid) the ammonia may evaporate faster than the water content. If its in a closed container it should be fine

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Ice melt faster when: - the temperature is higher - powdered salts as sodium chloride or calcium chloride are added

How does thermodynamics apply to diffusion?

The higher the thermal energy of a diffused sample AND its solute, the faster the kinetic rate of motion of the dissolved particles, or atoms, and the faster their rate of diffusion throughout the solute.

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The benzyl group acts as a protector retarding hydrolysis?

Why benzyl chloride reacts faster than 1-clorobutane when treated with sodium iodide in acetone?

Benzyl chloride reacts faster than 1-chlorobutane because of its Benzylic system.