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That would depend only on what day of the week his becoming a bar mitzvah is marked.

Since he is a bar mitzvah by that time, he's now responsible to wear tfillin at any time when

it's the thing to do. So if his life transition is marked at a week-day synagogue service,

he would wear his tfillin there along with all the other adult Jewish males in attendance.

If the occasion is marked at a Sabbath or Holiday service, he would not ... just like all the

other adult Jewish males attending.

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Jewish males wind the straps of the tefillin around their foreheads because it says in The Bible that they should be "between your eyes"

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Q: Why does an Orthodox Jewish boy wear tefillin to his Bar Mitzvah?
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What does a bar mitzvah wear on the ceremony?

The phrase "bar mitzvah" refers to a boy becoming a young man. Jewish tradition holds that this happens at age 13, and Jewish traditions hold that, having passed this age, he is responsible for performing the mitzvot, that is, for keeping the commandments of Jewish law. One of the mitzvot is to wear fringes on the corners of your garments. To keep this commandment, Jewish men traditionally wear a four-cornered garment, a tallit or prayer shawl, with a tassel on each corner. So, when a boy turns 13 and celebrates his becoming bar mitzvah, he traditionally is given a tallit. Another mitzvah is to wear tefillin, one on the forehead and one on the dominant (usually right) arm. So in Orthodox and some Conservative communities, the bar mitzvah boy will be given his first set of tefillin. Ideally, these are not just one-time use items. Ideally, the young man will wear tallit and tefillin daily during morning prayers for the rest of his life.

Why don't women wear the Tefillin?

Orthodox Judaism doesn't allow it.

What do you wear to a Bar Mitzvah if you're not Jewish?

Wear something dressy and respectful, especially if it takes place in a synagogue. Women might want to opt for a skirt or dress rather than pants if the celebrants are Orthodox Jews. Men might feel more comfortable with their heads covered with a kippah, although this is not necessary in Reform synagogues.

What should a young man wear to his bar mitzvah?

Most Jewish males wear a suit and tie to their Bar Mitzvah. Additionally, Jewish males are required by religious tradition to wear both the kippa and the talit.

Do Orthodox Jewish women wear hats?

Orthodox Jewish women cover their hair in public once they're married. One way to do this is to wear hats.

Do Jewish men wear lobg robes?

Orthodox Jewish men sometimes do wear long robes.

Can women wear talits?

Yes, but NOT Orthodox Jewish women.

Do Jewish women wear head scarves?

Some Jewish women do wear headscarves, particularly those who are Orthodox or adhere to more traditional Jewish customs. However, it is not a practice followed by all Jewish women, and there is no universal requirement for Jewish women to wear headscarves.

What is the name of what Jewish people wear around their forehead?

it is called phylacteries( Tefillin in Hebrew) it is made of leather and in it there are chapters from the bible

What is a girl's mitzvah event called?

Girls Bar Mitzvah is called a Bat Mitzvah. A Bat Mitzvah happens when a Jewish girl turns 12 years old. Once the girl reaches that age she is an adult according to the Jewish law. This means that the girl will have to follow all applicable rules. During the ceremony the Bat-Mitzvah girl will wear the dress of her choice.

What color should a Jewish boy wear to his Bar Mitzvah?

Something tasteful and formal. A normal suit and a kippah (which should be freely available at the synagogue). However, a non-Jew is requested not to wear religious paraphenalia of other religions (rosaries etc.) or to wear other Jewish paraphenalia (tefillin or talitot) when visiting the synagogue.

What is the cloak called Jewish people wear at bar mitzvah?

There is no cloak worn at a bar mitzvah ceremony. If you're referring to the prayer shawl, that's called a 'tallit'.