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Q: Why does an ecological pyramid for a ecosystem in the summer and winter different?
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The summer of 1342

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How might a pyramid of energy for a grassland community differ from summer to winter?

In a grassland community, the pyramid of energy in summer would have a larger base due to increased plant growth and energy availability, supporting a higher trophic level of consumers. In contrast, the pyramid of energy in winter would have a smaller base as plant growth decreases, resulting in lower energy availability and fewer organisms at higher trophic levels.

What has the author B L Hummel written?

B. L. Hummel has written: 'Ecological Survey for mines Gaspe, Murdochville, Quebec, 5-15 July, 1977' 'Ecological survey for Belledune Fertilizer Limited, New Brunswick , summer 1975'

How many season in a year?

There are 4 astronomical and 6 ecological seasons in one year in mid latitude regions. Astronomical: 1. SPRING 2. SUMMER 3. AUTUMN 4 . WINTER . Ecological: 1. Hibernal (Winter). 2. Prevernal (Pre-spring thaw). 3. Vernal (Spring Growing Season). 4. Estival (High Summer). 5. Serotinal (Late Summer). 6. Autumnal.

What effects would a diver than average summer have on a pond ecosystem?

The pond would have less water, and could go dry.

How many Seasons in the year?

Astronomical seasons are spring, summer, autumn, winter. Ecological seasons are prevernal (pre-spring thaw), vernal (spring growing season), estival (high summer), serotinal (late summer), autumnal (fall), and hibernal (winter).

When is the summer solstice around fall winter spring or summer?

It is summer, marking the start of summer for some people and the middle of summer for others, as there are different perspectives on it.

What is the average high and low summer and winter temperatures in a marine ecosystem?

50 degrees f as the high and 10 degrees f as the low

How does an ecosystem become affected by climate?

Basic answer... if the ecosystem or biome is mostly ice and snow like the arctic then when it is summer or when it is really hot it starts to slowly melt or fall apart. in other words the arctic is being affected by the climate change.

Can frost form in summer?

No. Frost can not form in Summer. It has to be below the dew point. That can not happen in Summer. But if you were in Antarctica that is a different story.

What are some online summer schools that teenagers can take part of?

There are some different online summer schools that are good for teenagers. Some different schools are:, or