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the dust particles keep the electrons inside and remake them they dust particles can be swept off but a few remain inside the insulator!!!

this is very confusing!!! :)

Static electricity can't move in an insulator and it will only lose it's charge if it is earthed.

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2w ago

An insulator does not lose its charge easily because it does not allow the flow of electrons. This prevents the charge from dissipating to other objects or the surrounding environment. The structure of insulating materials does not easily allow the movement of charges, which helps in retaining their charge.

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7y ago

In an insulator electrons cannot move freely.

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2y ago

It won't lose its charge as static electricity can't movie inside an insulator, meaning it will only lose its charge when earthed

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Q: Why does an insulator not lose its charge?
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How can you create a static charge on an insulator?

You can create a static charge on an insulator by friction, such as rubbing it with a cloth or fur. This causes electrons to transfer between the insulator and the material rubbing against it, leading to a buildup of static electricity on the insulator.

Why does a rubbed plastic object stay charged but a rubbed metal object lose its charge?

Rubbed plastic objects tend to hold onto their charge because they are insulators, meaning that they do not easily allow charge to flow. Rubbed metal objects, on the other hand, are conductors and can easily lose their charge as the electrons can move freely within the material and dissipate.

Can a conductor attract an insulator?

No, a conductor cannot attract an insulator using electrical charge because insulators do not allow the flow of electrons, making them unable to interact with a conductor's electrical charge.

Is cardbord a conductor or a insulator?

Cardboard is an insulator. It does not conduct electricity as it does not contain free-flowing electrons that can carry an electric charge.

Is it possible to create an induced charge separation on an insulator?

Yes, it is possible to induce charge separation on an insulator by bringing a charged object close to it. The charged object creates an electric field that polarizes the insulator's atoms, causing the charges within the insulator to separate, resulting in induced charge separation. This phenomenon is the basis for how static electricity works.

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Why does a rubbed plastic object stay charged but a rubbed metal object lose its charge?

Rubbed plastic objects tend to hold onto their charge because they are insulators, meaning that they do not easily allow charge to flow. Rubbed metal objects, on the other hand, are conductors and can easily lose their charge as the electrons can move freely within the material and dissipate.

In order to build up a charge does a material need to be a conductor or an insulator?

no....absolutely acquire charge, either the material(atoms to be specific) must lose some electrons or gain rubbing a glass rod and wool

What is a material that does not conduct electrical charge?

Rubber is one. :)

Do insulators conduct charge?

Insulators do not conduct charge easily because they have high resistance to the flow of electricity. This is due to their atomic or molecular structure that does not allow for the movement of free electrons.

How can an electrical conductor lose its effect?

In order for it to lose its effect you have to put an insulator around it, such as rubber or plastic.

Can charge flow easily through insulators?

"Insulator" means that electrical charge can NOT flow through it easily.

What is the only methold to charge an insulator by?

An electrical charge could be added to an insulator from another source of charge such as a voltage supply, or maybe from a Van de Graaff belt generator. {The one I used generated 50MV at about 12x10^-6 Amperes. }

What is a substance that does not allow electricity to pass through it easily?

Insulators - they cannot allow electricity to flow through them as they have no mobile charge carriers present. Insulators - they cannot allow electricity to flow through them as they have no mobile charge carriers present.

Is the picture tube a conductor or an insulator Explain your answer?

A picture tube is an insulator. The electrons would gather up and so, create an electric charge when the TV is on. If it was a conductor, the charge would not build up. Hope this helps :)

What will happen if you nearly touch charged insulator?

If you nearly touch a charged insulator, you may experience a static shock. As you get closer, the electric field surrounding the charged insulator can induce opposite charges in your body, creating a potential difference that discharges when you touch the insulator. This can result in a small stinging sensation or a mild electric shock.

How are conductors and insulators different give an example of a conductor and an insulator?

conductors, such as metals, have free electrons, meaning their electrons are not strongly bonded to the atoms and a charge can move easily throughout the whole object, an insulator such as wood does not have free electrons so a charge is likely to stick in one area of the insulator.

Is sodium chloride is a good insulator of electric current?

No, sodium chloride (table salt) is not a good insulator of electric current. In its solid state, sodium chloride dissociates into ions which can conduct electricity. However, in its molten state or when dissolved in water, sodium chloride can act as an electrolyte and conduct electricity.