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Salt water is an ionic solution. In oxidation, a small amount of electricity is exchanged, adding more ions speeds up the process.

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Q: Why does an iron paper clip in sea water rust faster than an iron paper clip in distilled water?
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What happens when you put paper clip into water?

no. because they are solid metal.

Does acidic liquids or basic liquids rust a paper clip faster?


Is a paper clip less dense than water?

Put it in water and see what happens?

What liquids will make a paper clip rust?

Water water water water

Will a paper clip float on soap water?


What is the hypothesis of make a paper clip float?

Distribution of the clip's mass and water's surface tension.

Explain how you would find the volume of an object such as a paper clip?

The easiest way to find the volume of irregular objects is to use water displacement Fill a beaker or other container with water and place the paper clip in the water. The amount the water level rises is the volume of the paper clip. Of course because a paper clip is so small you would either need to use highly accurate measuring devices or place enough paperclips in the water that there is a noticeable change in water level. you would then divide the change in water level by the number of paperclips you put in to get the average volume of a single paper clip.

Why do paper clip?

Because they are heavier than water and have no air in them

What can you say about the density of a paper clip versus the density of water?

Paper clips have a density greater than the density of water.

What can you say about the density of a paper clip versus the density water?

Paper clips have a density greater than the density of water.

What happens if you leave paper in water for to long?

Oxygen in the water will cause oxidation of iron minerals in the clip, creating rust.

Why did the paper clip fall to the bottom of a bowl of water?

The paper clip is more dense than the water, and it will sink. Water does not have sufficient buoyancy to support it. As regards density, the metal in the paperclip has more mass per unit of volume than the water does.