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Because the electron is a particle with an electrical negative charge.

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Q: Why does an object that acquires an excess of electrons become a negatively charged object?
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What happens to the rod when it is rub by nylon?

It depends on what the rod is made of. For example, if it's a glass rod the glass will lose electrons to the nylon and become positively charged, and the nylon will gain electrons and become negatively charged. If the rod is made of aluminum or steel, the rod will gain electrons from the nylon and become negatively charged, and the nylon will become positively charged.

How does a object become negatively charged?

if some of the positive charges have been either chemically removed or bonded together, that is how they become negatively charged...................... xoxo

5 What causes an atom to become positively or negatively charged?

Atoms become positively charged when they have a deficit of electrons. Similarly, they become negatively charged when they have a surplus of electrons. Neutral charge, the non-ionized state, is when the number of electrons is the same as the number of protons.

How objects become negatively charges?

To become negatively charged, an object must gain electrons from another object

If you scuff electrons from your hair onto a comb are you positvely or negatively charged and how about the comb?

Your creation of friction with the floor will allow you to "collect" electrons. You'll become negatively charged, and this static charge can discharge to a door knob. Most of us are familiar with the phenomenon. The results can be shocking.

How can an atom become positively or negatively charged by gaining or losing this subatomic particle?

Gaining or losing electrons can cause an atom to become positively or negatively charged

If an atom gains electrons it become a?

If the atom was neutral, it becomes an anion. Since electrons have a (-) charge

If you rub a balloon with wool does it become negatively or positively charged?

It becomes negatively charged because Wool readily gives away its electrons.

What happens to a material which gains electrons?

It becomes more negatively charged, since electrons carry a negative charge.

What kind of charge will nonmetal possess when it gains electron?

Since electrons are negatively charged, a nonmetal which gains an electron will also become negatively charged.

Are atoms normally negatively charged?

No, atoms are not normally negatively charged. They are typically electrically neutral, meaning they have an equal number of protons (positively charged particles) and electrons (negatively charged particles). It is possible for atoms or molecules to gain or lose electrons and become positively or negatively charged, but this is not the usual state.

What happens to metals in ionic bonding?

Metals lose electrons to become positively charged but stable. The electrons they lose are accepted by the non-metal to become negatively charged but stable.