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because people only answer questions when they know the answer to a question.

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Q: Why does not have answers to any good questions?
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Yes, you can also ask questions in Yahoo Answers.

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I don't think that there are any good answers to ask. I did here, though, that there are some good questions to ask = ).

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I looked at your other questions and almost all of them have been answered and have good answers.

How do i delete my questions on answerscom?

You can't. You'd have to contact a senior supervisor and see if they're able to. However, inappropriate questions can be trashed by any regular supervisor.

Do people answer their own questions on answerscom?

Yes, some people answer their own questions on the site. As long as a question is answered properly, any answer is valid no matter whether it was your question or not.

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Why are there answers and questions. What are answers and questions. Is there even any meaning to all this?

we will never know!

Are there any unanswered questions on Answers?

if you dont like the answers ask different questions

Why am I on and not getting any answers?

you can get answers if someone answers your questions.

What is the river parana used for?

I think wiki answers isnt very good, they never answer any of my questions

Does Answerscom have any con artists answering the questions?

It is hard to say. For the most part answers are provided by the open community which could be anyone. The forums are watched by supervisors; like myself however. If you have a specific problem or issue please private message me with details.

Why aren't there any questions about The Who?

Probably because no one has asked any questions about The Who. If you want some answers about The Who just ask them on Wiki Answers.