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Asexual production is when there is one parent that produces offspring that are identical to the parent. Basically a copy of the parents DNA.

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14h ago

Asexual reproduction produces no variation in offspring because it involves only one parent, so all genes are copied directly from that single parent. There is no mixing or recombination of genetic material from two different individuals, which is what leads to genetic variation in sexual reproduction.

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Q: Why does asexual reproduction produce no variation in offspring?
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What type of reproductive occurs when animals produce clone offspring?


Why cross pollination produces more genetic variation in the offspring than self pollination produces?

Cross-pollination produces more genetic variation in offspring because it is a different set of DNA that is breeding with the parents DNA to produce the offspring (known as sexual reproduction). In asexual reproduction, the parent plant uses a clone DNA to self pollinate thus creating an exact copy of the parent. Asexual reproduction inhibits genetic variation because the offspring will never develop mutations that could help natural selection.

What is the similar between sexual and asexual reproduction?

The only major similarity is that you get a type of offspring. During asexual reproduction, an organism essentially self mates. This doesnt necessarily produce identical offspring, but close. Actually, with asexual reproduction, mutations are more likely to be phenotypically present in the next generation. So technically, you get offspring that does share genes from dad and mom, but in asexual reproduction, dad and mom are the same people.

How are sexual and asexual reproduction alike?

1.They both can duplicate into two or more offspring. 2.Both can produce offspring (obviously) 3.The offspring is the same species as the "parent" 4.Invovle at least 1 "parent" 5.The offspring are also able to reproduce.

What are the similarities between asexual and sexual reproduction?

* Involves at least one parent * Plants and animals involved. [some are sexual while others are asexual] * Produce offspring * Forms of reproduction

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Reproduction that does not produce variation among the offspring?

Asexual reproduction does not produce genetic variation among offspring, as the new organisms are exact copies of the parent organism. This process involves only one parent and typically occurs through methods such as budding, regeneration, or binary fission.

Why do offspring produce by sexual reproduction show variation from their parents?

In sexual reproduction, there are tow parents so there is a mixture in genes. In asexual reproduction, there is one parent so looks identical to that parent

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What type of reproduction produce fungi that are different from either parents?

the correct answer is "sexual" reproduction. Sexual Reproduction leads to genetic variation which would therefore cause the offspring to look different from the parent.

What occurs when an organism divides in half to produce offspring?

Asexual reproduction.

Why cross pollination produces more genetic variation in the offspring than self pollination produces?

Cross-pollination produces more genetic variation in offspring because it is a different set of DNA that is breeding with the parents DNA to produce the offspring (known as sexual reproduction). In asexual reproduction, the parent plant uses a clone DNA to self pollinate thus creating an exact copy of the parent. Asexual reproduction inhibits genetic variation because the offspring will never develop mutations that could help natural selection.

Asexual reproduction of a diploid organism would impossible b.involve meiosis c.produce identical offspring variation among sibling offspring e.invlove spores produced by meiosis?

c. produce identical offspring. Asexual reproduction involves the creation of new individuals without the need for gametes or fertilization, resulting in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent organism.

What are advantages of asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction generates offspring that are genetically identical to a single parent. Asexual reproduction allows the organisms to reproduce very quickly. Asexual reproducers do not have to carry their offspring for a long amount of time and produce more than one at a time. Asexual reproducers do not have to spend time looking for a mate.

Does sexual reproduction produce more offspring than asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction, such as binary fission, is simply a complete copy of anorganism. There is no genetic variation in the daughter organism from the primary organism. However, when sexual reproduction occurs, there are multiple parties contributing, which combines different genotypes.

What group of simailar organisms that can mate with each other and produce fertile offspring?

asexual reproduction

What is the similarity asexual and sexual reproduction?

The only major similarity is that you get a type of offspring. During asexual reproduction, an organism essentially self mates. This doesnt necessarily produce identical offspring, but close. Actually, with asexual reproduction, mutations are more likely to be phenotypically present in the next generation. So technically, you get offspring that does share genes from dad and mom, but in asexual reproduction, dad and mom are the same people.

What is the similar between sexual and asexual reproduction?

The only major similarity is that you get a type of offspring. During asexual reproduction, an organism essentially self mates. This doesnt necessarily produce identical offspring, but close. Actually, with asexual reproduction, mutations are more likely to be phenotypically present in the next generation. So technically, you get offspring that does share genes from dad and mom, but in asexual reproduction, dad and mom are the same people.