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Q: Why does big ma make Cassie apologize again?
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Why does big ma make Cassie apologize to Lillian Jean Simms again in Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry?

Becuase! If cassie wouldn't, Mr. Simms would probably beat Cassie up. If you don't believe me, do a little research on 'segregation'

What does Stacy understand about Cassie being forced to apologize to the little girl and strawberry that Cassie and the other children don’t understand?

- As they put the wagon in the barn at home, Stacey tells Cassie not to blame Big Ma because she had to act as she did. Cassie insists that Big Ma is a grownup like Mr. Simms. ... As Mama makes dinner, Cassie tries to tell Uncle Hammer about her day in Strawberry but Big Ma keeps interrupting her.

How do you get a friendship back?

Apologize for what you did, give her/him a big hug, then ask if they willl forgive you. If that doesn't work, then it's his or her problem. If I were you, I'd make them jealous by being cool and all that, then they'll be begging you to be their friend again.

Does Cassie like Dustin Breeding?

When B5 first came out Cassie did have a big crush on him. And then he started crushing on her. He was trying to get with Cassie a while back, but she's with Diddy now.

What did big ma find under Cassie's bed while Cassie was supposedly sleeping in roll of thunder hear my cry?

a shotgun

Why is Cassie going to strawberry a big event?

It signifies the story development.

Why does John John apologize to maleeka in miss saunders class?

Maleeka gets annoyed that Miss Saunders is making a big deal out of what John-John said. John-John forces out a fake apology,He apologizes and says that he won't let her down again, but Maleeka isn't sure she can forgive him yet.

What values does big ma pass along to Cassie when she tells Cassie the story of how the Logan's got their land?

Big Ma passes along the values of perseverance, strength, and resilience to Cassie through the story of how the Logan family acquired their land. She highlights the importance of standing up for what is right and fighting for justice, even in the face of adversity and injustice. Through her story, Big Ma instills in Cassie the determination to hold onto their family's land and heritage with pride and dignity.

How do you apologize for a typo?

If it was an honest mistake, you just do it. No big deal.

How do you apoligize to a bff?

it depends on what happened. maybe they should be the one to apologize. but if it was sumthing you did, and it was some thing big, apologize, make it up to them and you have to re-earn their trust. and presents always help when they've cooled off, but not until then or it could end up trash, or on fire...

How was Cassie rescued from Mr Sims in roll of thunder hear my cry?

Cassie was rescued from Mr. Sims in roll of thunder hear my cry because when Cassie bunmped into Lillian Jean, she had to applologize to Lillian Jean for "pushing" her. Big Ma made Cassie appologize to the Sims. For a moment, Cassie understood why Big Ma made her applologize (so there would not be any fighting going on between a black girl and a white girl).

What did big ma retrieve from under Cassies bed while Cassie was supposedly sleeping in the book roll of thunder hear my cry?

Big Ma retrieved a gun hidden under Cassie's bed while Cassie pretended to be asleep. She did so in order to prevent any danger from strangers or intruders, and to protect her family in case of emergency.