

Why does black hair attract sun?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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11y ago

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It doesn't black just absorbs black and repels it more then most colours.

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Q: Why does black hair attract sun?
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How does the colour black atracted the sun?

The question is quite meaningless. The sun doesn't attract color, color doesn't attract the sun, and black is not a color ... it's the absence of light of any color.

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if its black yes,if its white no.

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Black hair not really, but it works really well with dark brown hair.

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The sun might lighten your hair.

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Electric charges in the comb and hair attract.

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If you're outdoors frequently, the sun can add natural highlights to your hair.

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Yes..I have hair appear to be black at a distance but when you look under the sun it appear to be brown and black...

Why does wearing white on a hot summer day keep you cool?

Wearing White doesn't attract the sun. On the other hand, black and any dark colors attract the sun in the summer because it is dark and the the suns UV rays can see black better than white.

Why does hair color suddenly change from black to light brown?

The sun may be affecting the color because when you are in the sun, your hair may turn lighter. The sun's rays are strong enough to change hair color.

Why do African people have curly hair?

Originating in Africa, "black hair" hair is tightly woven to protect their scalp from the sun.

Why the hairs are black?

No such thing as true black hair. If hair looks like black, It is naturally a very, extremely dark shade of brown. If your hair is looking like black, put it in the sun and if it is a brown then you are all set! That means you have proof that your hair is actually dark brown!