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Q: Why does blank titration shows the higher value compared to sample titration in iodine value?
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Equation used to determine the iodine value?

Iodine value= (B-S)N x 12.69 ------------------- wt of sample where, B=titration of blank S= titration of sample N= normality of thiosulphate

What is the endpoint of a titration?

during a titration when a titrant completely furnished the sample then this is the end point of titration.

Can a blank titration reading be greater than sample titration?


How a pure sample of iodine could be obtained from a mixture of iodine and sulphur?

Iodine is soluble in carbon tetrachloride.

How is it that tellurium has a greater mass number than iodine if an iodine atom has one more proton than a tellurium atom?

Iodine nuclei have one more Proton than Tellurium, but in general the Tellurium atoms have more neutrons, giving a higher average atomic mass. Elements often have isotopes, and their stated atomic masses are averages which look at the abundance of these isotopes. In a given sample of Iodine, 100% of it will be 127I, though the tiniest trace of 129I will exist. In a sample of Tellurium, 65% will be 128Te and 130Te. This makes Tellurium's average atomic mass a little higher than Iodine's.

If iodine is poured on a sample of starch it will change to?


How is this number determined?

iodine no is no of gms of iodine equivalent to ICl consumed by 100gms of oil. iodine no.=vol. of iodine used( ICl)* normality* equivalent weight of iodine / weight of oil sample

How do you make a pure sample of Iodine?

mix common arsenic with soap. mix common arsenic with soap.

Why is a titration performed?

To find the unknown concentration of a sample by using a reagent with a known concentration. ( IE; molarity )

Why do sample should be keep in dark place for 30minutes in determination of iodine value?

to avoid the light go through in the sample and keep the sample cool also.

Why double indicator is used during the titration of water to find alkalinity of water sample?

A double indicator is used to find the alkalinity of the water sample to prevent errors.

What are the process of titration?

To sample increasing medication or reducing medication by small increments to find the most beneficial dosage