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To Keep you alive. They travel your Blood around your Body!

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Q: Why does blood vessels act like a highway?
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What is the act of vasodilation?

The act of vasodilation is the widening of blood vessels when the walls of blood vessels relax. The purpose is to increase blood flow to areas of the body that are in need of oxygen.

What is the function of a blood vessele?

blood vessels carry/distribute blood and nutrients throughout body.Blood vessels carry blood round the body, to and from the heart.Blood stores oxygen and nutrients to be distributed throughout the body, and blood vessels are their means of transport. the function of the blood vessels is to transport blood to all part of the body.The blood vessels carry the oxygen rich blood to the cells, and the carbon dioxide and wastes away from them. They act sort of like channels through which the nutrients can flow.

What is the role of the blood vessels?

blood vessels are like tunnels that lead the blood to other parts of th e body.

What do capillaries do in your bodies?

Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels in your body and act as the exchange point for oxygen.

When vessels which function as blood reservoirs when sympathetic nerve impulses cause constriction of their walls?

These vessels are called venous sinuses. They act as blood reservoirs and are part of the venous or return portion of the cardiovascular system.

What is the Description of blood vessel and their functions?

blood vessels act as a nob, executing a yoghurt throwing technique e.g the purple headed monster

Which body organ act as pump the blood through out the blood vessels to bring food and oxygen to energy cell in tehe body?

The heart pumps blood throughout the body

What keeps blood from the flowing backwards?

Blood vessels have valves that act like doors really. Also blood is pumped (pushed) out and around your body by each pump of your heart, each pump pushes more blood through, there is nowhere else to go but forward. It doesn't suck it back .

How do peripheral vasodilators work?

Peripheral vasodilators such as hydralazine (Apresoline), isoxuprine (Vasodilan), and minoxidil (Loniten) act by relaxing blood vessels.

What is angiotensin?

Angiotesin is a group of pepticides tha act as vasoconstrictor to narrow blood vesselsAn angiotensin is any of several polypeptides which narrow blood vessels and regulate arterial pressure.

How does the spinal cord act as a highway?

It ac ks like a highway for the nervous system ( OK not nervous, I'm not) It helps to transport reactions too.

What is the name of the neurotransmitter released by sympathetic nerves and also act on the heart blood vessels large skeletal muscles and accelerates metabolism?
