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Because the raise of the sun cats and humans can warm them up

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Q: Why does cats fur get soft after laying in the sun?
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Do cats like sunshine?

Poor kitty.... Aloe vera lotion to cool and soothe. Try to find products intended for cats, also, since I don't know the dangers of some chemicals to cats. However, aloe vera itself shouldn't have any adverse affects. Keep him/her OUT of the sun and in a cool, dark place.

How do you prevent shaved cats or dogs to get sunburns?

give them sun tan lotion Sun tan lotion may irritate their skin. Just keep them out of the sun until their fur grows back.

How does fur benefit cats?

in winter, it keeps the cat warm. it's kind of like a protection for the skin, kind of like when we put suncream on to protect our skin from the sun.

Do black cats like the sun?

all cats LOVE the sun, if they could....they would live on it!!!!:)

Are newborn puppies' fur soft?

They are soft because for one thing they're babies and also because they have some kind of special fluid in their stomachs and once the fluid is gone the puppy's soft baby fur sheds and then the baby fur gets replaced by adult fur. (this is why most dogs shed) But not only puppies have the special fluid but other baby animals such as kittens, birds, bear cubs, baby monkeys and other animals also have the fluid in their bodies. Plus the human baby has it, too. And there's your answer.

Where to purchase tanning accessories?

Laying under a tanning lamp or sun bed is definitely not a safe alternative to laying out in the sun. You should avoid this and use a self tanner because it causes cancer.

Do you get more sun by sitting in a chair or laying on the ground at the beach?


Why do all-black cats sometimes grow white hair?

Actually a black cat starts to turn brown or grey because of the sun. If your cat sits in the sun a lot it is because the color of their hair is actually oxidizing with the sun, therefore it turns brown. The greying typically seen with older cats is the same as humans. Their hair around their mouth and face will start to lose color and grey.

What do cats like to do in the summer?

Laze about in the sun! The chemicals in the sun rays are good for the cats coat (same for plants). Even if they are tiny active kittens, they will always like being in the sun, soaking up the warmth. And what do you get? Oven Cats!!!

What kind of weather s good for cats?

snow sun is very good for cats

Can a dog change its fur color by being in the sun for too long?

The sun's rays are harmful without sunblock or similar protection. A dog may have fur, but can still suffer burns when in the sun too long. Sunburn may cause cancer, and surprisingly many dogs suffer from sun related conditions.

Can the sun make cats ill?
