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Q: Why does child marriage still exist in India?
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What is percentage of child marriage is taking place in India to the world?

Government is implementing various laws to prevent child marriage.But the laws can be followed in the society only with the cooperation of the people.Nearly 50% of women under 18 are still getting married.

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peacocks are not extinct. they still exist in india

Can I marry my boyfriend even though he is still undergoing divorce proceedings in India?

I believe you can. Only if his marriage in India is not registered in the USA.

What percentages of marriages are arranged in India?

almost 70% of ppl go for arnge marriage. In India the mentality of ppl is very narrow due to whc lov marriage is still nt accepted.

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You no longer have a legal relationship to a step-child from a previous marriage.

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They are married. Despite Zeus's perpetual affairs, their marriage continues to exist.

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jo sicha du bauanpleamb

What kin are you to your step daughters child?

They are still your grandchild even if only by marriage and not blood

Hera goddess of birth or marriage?

In a way, both. Hera was a goddess of women, and marriage was -and still is - a big part of a woman's life, and the birth of a child the result of a marriage: when a women was giving birth, she was protected by Hera and the child by Artemis.