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Chillingworth knows he is old and is no longer attractive to Hester even though he is her spouse. She is more attracted to someone of Dimmesdale's ways so he believes creating this association with Dimmesdale will help him retain his ways in order to help win Hester's love back.

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Chillingworth seeks to discover Dimmesdale's guilt and shame in order to exact revenge for what he perceives as a betrayal by his wife, Hester. By entwining himself closely with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth hopes to further torment him and ensure that he suffers for his role in the affair.

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Q: Why does chillingworth seek the association between him and dimmesdale?
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Why does chillingworth visit Hester in prison?

Chillingworth visits Hester in prison to confront her about her relationship with Dimmesdale and to assert his control over her. He wants to extract information from her and further manipulate the situation to seek revenge on Dimmesdale.

Why is roger chillingworth evil?

Roger Chillingworth is considered evil because of his obsession with revenge. He becomes consumed by his desire to seek vengeance on Arthur Dimmesdale, leading him to manipulate and torment Dimmesdale psychologically. Chillingworth's actions are driven by a deep-seated bitterness and desire for retribution, ultimately causing harm to others.

What is the antonym of hide?

The antonym of hide is reveal.

Should you call the cops on your 9 year old brother for hitting punching choking and threatening you?

It would be best to seek help from a trusted adult or family member first before involving the police. Talk to your parents or guardians to address the situation and seek appropriate support or counseling for both you and your brother. Violence can escalate, so it's crucial to address it in a way that ensures the safety and well-being of everyone involved.

What do you do if you get mugged?

If you get mugged, prioritize your safety by not resisting and complying with the mugger's demands. Avoid making sudden movements that may provoke the situation further. After the incident, seek help from nearby individuals or contact the authorities to report the crime and seek necessary assistance.

Related questions

What information did Chillingworth want from Hester?

Chillingworth wanted to know the identity of Hester's lover, believing it was Dimmesdale. He sought this information in order to seek revenge on the man he believed had wronged him.

To whom in the colony does chillingworth attach himself as a medical advisor The Scarlet Letter?

Chillingworth attaches himself as a medical advisor to Reverend Dimmesdale in "The Scarlet Letter." He uses this position to manipulate and torment Dimmesdale, exploiting his vulnerability to seek revenge for perceived wrongs.

What is chillingworth's real purpose for the visit?

Chillingworth's real purpose for visiting Hester in the novel "The Scarlet Letter" is to seek revenge against her lover, Dimmesdale. He suspects Dimmesdale of having an affair with Hester and wants to expose him. Chillingworth's actions are driven by his desire for revenge and the need to inflict suffering upon Dimmesjsonald.

What is Hester afraid chillingworth will do to her and the baby?

Hester is afraid that Chillingworth will harm both her and her baby out of revenge for her adultery with Dimmesdale. She fears that he may seek to destroy her newfound happiness and create further suffering for her.

Why is Roger chillingworth terribly upset?

Roger Chillingworth is terribly upset because he discovers that his wife, Hester Prynne, had an affair and gave birth to a child fathered by another man, Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. This revelation leads Chillingworth to seek revenge on Dimmesdale for betraying him and dishonoring his marriage.

Why can't Hester tell that chillingworth is her husband?

Hester can't tell that Chillingworth is her husband because he assumed a different identity to secretly seek revenge on her for her affair with Dimmesdale. The passage of time, along with the physical and emotional distance that have grown between them, also contribute to her inability to recognize him.

Who does the stranger Hester recognized in the crowd that afternoon turn out o be?

The stranger Hester recognized in the crowd turns out to be her long-lost husband, Roger Chillingworth, who had disguised himself in order to seek revenge on Hester and her lover, Arthur Dimmesdale.

What does the stranger in the crowd vow in the scarlett letter?

The stranger in the crowd, later revealed to be Roger Chillingworth, vows revenge on the father of Hester Prynne's child, whom he believes to be responsible for Hester's shame. He makes it his mission to uncover the identity of the father and seek retribution.

What are 2 forces that impel Dimmesdale to stand on the scaffold?

Dimmesdale is impelled by his guilt and desire for confession to stand on the scaffold as a form of public penance. Additionally, the mysterious hold that Chillingworth has over him contributes to his inner turmoil and compels him to seek some form of release.

Why did chilling worth want hide his true identity?

Chillingworth wanted to hide his true identity to seek revenge on Dimmesdale and torment him without revealing his intentions. By concealing his true identity, Chillingworth could manipulate Dimmesdale, nourishing his own dark desires for revenge and control. His anonymity allowed him to slowly unravel Dimmesdale's guilt and sufferings while maintaining a facade of concern and care.

Why does Dimmesdale ascend the scaffold?

Dimmesdale ascends the scaffold to publicly confess his sins and seek redemption for his guilt. The act is both a form of catharsis for Dimmesdale and a way to publicly acknowledge his role in Hester's shame.

Why does Roger Chillingworth ask Hester to keep his identity a secret?

Roger Chillingworth asks Hester to keep his identity a secret because he wants to seek revenge on her former lover, Dimmesdale, without revealing his own involvement in their lives. By maintaining his anonymity, he can manipulate the situation and exact his revenge without facing immediate consequences.