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This is because you are creating a greater surface area which allows reactions to occur quicker.

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Q: Why does chopping up jelly into small pieces make them dissolve quicker?
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What would dissolve quicker jelly cube or a jelly crystal?

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Does crystal dissolve in water?

Jelly crystals do dissolve in water. They dissolve faster in hot water than cold. The hot water breaks down the Gelatin that makes up the jelly.

Why does breaking a jelly block into small pieces help it to dissolve more quickly?

The small pieces have a larger combined surface area than the previous large piece had. When you cut the block into pieces, you are exposing new surfaces that were previously on the inside of the block. And the process of dissolving happens at the surface. So the more surface is exposed, the faster something can dissolve.

What flavor are the jelly pieces in cadbury marvelous creations?

Jelly flavour.

Is there latex in patroleum jelly?

Petroleum jelly does not contain latex. When petroleum jelly comes in contact with latex, it will dissolve the material. Petroleum jelly is a byproduct of manufacturing petroleum.

Where are the dragon pieces?

To dragon pieces are located in the secret fortress of the jelly fox.

Does jelly dissolve?

It depends what you put it in. Water no, Hydrochloric acid, yes.

How soluble is jelly?

Jelly doesn't actually dissolve it only melts so if you put it in warm water it would seem like it dissolving but it's really melting!Is what some simpleton said. But what realy happens is... The particles dissolve into the wather. And it cant dissolve in cold water

Does the size of a piece of jelly affect the time it takes to dissolve?

The size of the jelly cube does affect the time it takes to boil as the particles are all different because jelly at that point is a solid so the particles are close and in order the more you have of it the more the heat has to dissolve, forming water particle's.

What is the similarity between jelly and preserves?

both usually made with fruit. preserves have pieces of fruit, jelly has it all strained out.

What is solute of gasoline?

Gasoline is an organic compound and it is the solvent of organic solutes. Petroleum jelly will dissolve in gasoline because both petroleum jelly and gasoline are hydrocarbons.

Why does jelly dislove quicker in hot water then in cold water?

in hot water the individual atoms more moving much quicker which increases their ability to put items into solution