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because it's density is more than one

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Q: Why does coffee powder sinks in water?
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Related questions

Does coffee powder mix with water?

Coffee powder is partially soluble in water.

Is there a new substance when you mixed the coffee powder and water?

Yes, there is, it is a solution of coffee powder in water.

How is because does coffee or powdered juice dissolve in hot water?

The answer is because you ar

what can be dispersed by water?

Examples: coffee powder, cocoa powder, cocos powder, carob powder etc.

In a cup of instant coffee what is the solvent?

Hot water will be the solvent , sugar and the coffee powder will be the solutes

What are the method to separate iron powder and coffee powder?

A magnet will attract the iron leaving the coffee behind. It is also possible to separate them by flotation on water; add some detergent to the water to break the surface tension so the iron powder can sink while the coffee powder floats.

How do you get coffee granules out of the coffee mixture?

You would evaporate the water and there would be dried up coffee powder

Is there new substance can you mixed the coffee powder and water?

Yes, it is a coffee flavoured solution.

Is a powdered coffee a solid?

All powders are by definition solid. Of course, once the coffee powder is dissolved in water, it ceases to be a powder and instead becomes part of the liquid coffee.

What is the appearance when you mixed the coffee powder and water?

It is a dark solution.

What is the Appearance of coffee powder and mixed on water?

It is a dark solution.

Is water and instant coffee a mixture a compound or element?

water is an element, instant coffee powder is a mixture, combined it is still a mixture.