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Because there is more hydrogen gas in a concentrated acid.

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Q: Why does concentrated acid dissolve magnesium faster than dilute acid?
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What is the difference between the reactions of concentrated hydrochloric acid and dilute hydrochloric acid with magnesium?

Concentrated hydrochloric acid is more reactive than dilute hydrochloric acid. When concentrated hydrochloric acid reacts with magnesium, it produces magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas more quickly and vigorously compared to when dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with magnesium. This is due to the higher concentration of hydrogen ions in concentrated hydrochloric acid, leading to a faster and more intense reaction.

Will a concentrated acid always react quicker than a dilute acid?

It should always not be. As general, concentrated acids are more faster in redox reactions whereas the dilute acids prefer neutralization.

How could you show that magnesium reacts faster with acid than with water?

*when putting a piece of magnesium into dilute hydrocloric acid . *then hydrogen gas bubbles off. *this shows that magnesium react quickly in acid.

Why does magnesium dissolve quicker in hot water?

hot water breaks down the magnesium base particles faster,because heat dissolves it in vapors high temperature.

Will something dissolve faster in an acid or base?

An acid will dissolve something faster.

Why do solids dissolve faster in acid?

Not all solids dissolve faster in acids.

Which will dissolve faster in liquids salt or sugar?

Sugar should dissolve faster in a liquid.

What happens if solute is diluted?

As you add solute to a dilute If_you_add_solute_to_a_dilute_solution_what_does_the_solution_become, the solution becomes more concentrated until the solution has reached its saturation concentration. At the saturation concentration, no more solute can dissolve into the solution.Read more: If_you_add_solute_to_a_dilute_solution_what_does_the_solution_become

How can you dissovle a substance faster?

substance dissolve faster in a solvent? A catalyst can make a substance dissolve faster in a solvent. Increase temperature.

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Would Sprite Fanta Or Coke dissolve faster when a skittle is put in?

A skittle would dissolve faster in Coke.

Will alka seltzer dissolve faster in vinegar or alcohol?

no it do not water dissolve faster.