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Q: Why does condensation form on a cold glass of water when its hot outside?
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When water droplets appear on the outside of a cold glass of iced tea this is an example of .?

Answer this question… When water droplets appear on the outside of a cold glass of iced tea, this is an example of _____.

What is a sentence that uses the word condensation?

The glass of cold water has condensation forming on the outside of it.

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When water droplets on the outside of a cold glass of iced tea this is an example of?


Why does acold drink develop water on the outside of its container?

The water on the outside of the glass is formed by the moisture in the air condensing on the cold surface of the glass. It is condensation.

Where might you use condensation?

Condensation is a science word where vapor like water vapor changes into a liquid. On my glass the cold drink causes condensation on the outside of the glass.

when water droplets appear on the outside of a cold glass of ice tea this is an example of ____?


When water droplets appear on the outside of a cold glass iced tea this is an example of?


When water droplets appear on the outside of a cold glass of iced tea the is an example of?


When water droplets appear on the outside of cold glass of ice tea this is an example of?


Why is there water outside the glass of water?

This is due to condensation. When air comes in contact with the glass it condenses(this happens only when the water inside is cold).

Why do water droplets from outside of a glass of water?

If warm moist air comes into contact with the cold outer surface of a glass of water, condensation takes place.