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Copper is a highly conductive metal. The energy in cells tends to escape into copper, thus weakening its outer layers until they collapse. The oxygen and other chemicals spill onto the copper and copper ions enter the cell to cause more destruction.

However, copper does not rust. Instead, when oxygen hits its surface, copper creates a protective layer called patina. This chemical reaction prevents oxygen from seeping into the metal.

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Q: Why does copper kill bacteria?
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Can Copper nitrate be used to kill algae in pool water?

3% or less copper. Silver kills bacteria, Copper kills algae

Can someone die from copper in there water?

Small amount of Copper sulphate (CuSO4) is used in water treatment plant to kill algae and bacteria. In small amounts, it is not poisonous. But it can be fatal in large amounts.

What kind of drugs can kill bacteria?

The types of drugs that can kill bacteria are called 'antibiotics'.

Which product label contains cupric sulfate?

A product label that is known to contain copper sulfate is general pesticide. Copper sulfate is best known to kill weeds, fungi, and various types of bacteria.

Does aspirin kill bacteria?

No , aspirin does not kill Bacteria .

How many grams of copper does it take to kill you?

10 grams of copper can kill you. But copper sulphate won't kill you. So don't freak out!

What can bacteria do that viruses cannot?

Bacteria can attack and kill cells. White blood cells can kill bacteria.

How do antiseptics work to kill bacteria?

You use them on your hands to kill bacteria. Examples are Hand sanitizers, or soap now how they work to kill them is another question, well they for example inactivate the bacteria remove them make the bacteria "blowup", and they can stop bacteria from growing.

How hard is it to kill bacteria?

it is very hard to kill a little thing that you can not see but dragons can kill bacteria

Does a steam mop kill bacteria and viruses?

It can kill germs and bacteria IF it is hot enough but it cannot kill a virus.

How does tinning food kill bacteria?

Food is cooked to kill bacteria as it is canned; the cans then keep out any new bacteria.

Does freezing kill salmonella bacteria?

No, it doesn't kill much of the bacteria at all and the bacteria remaining will grow during defrosting.