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First of all, crack is addictive and cannabis isn't, so crack user are likely to use chronically. Also with cannabis the high gets stronger and stronger each time, but with crack cocaine tolerance builds fast so people have to have more and more until they need to have gross amounts every day just to function. Crack releases adrenaline, which increases heart rate and blood pressure, leading to cardiovascular problems. Another significant health risk is the condition commonly known as "crack lung". Hot smoke and ash often used in the smoking process do a large amount of damage, and inevitably people who use the drug intensely, or for more than a few months will display symptoms of dead tissue, weeping wounds, bleeding, and burns. Cannabis is not physically addictive. It doesn't work on the central nervous system (much) but rather puts THC in your brain. The THC can activate endogenous opiod pathways in the brain. This kills a few brain cells but it doesn't cause extreme firing of neurotransmitters that "hard drugs" do, so the long-term damage is pretty minimal. I guess you could say it "heals" by giving people temporary mental peace, which can be psychologically healing.

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