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Q: Why does current and electrons moves in opposite direction?
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What enables the electric current to move through a material?

The electric current moves in the direction opposite to the flow of electrons by convention.When a potential difference is applied to a material which has "loose" electrons, the electrons move in a direction opposite to the potential gradient and the current moves in the opposite direction to the flow of electrons.This is how current flows in materials.

Why current flowing from positive to negative?

because current flows in the opposite direction of the flow of electron.since electrons are negatively charged particle they moves towards the positive and hence current flows in the opposite direction to the flow of electrons (that is from positive to negative)

When an electric current flows through a long conductor how does each free electron moves?

The individual electrons will move back and forth, as they do when there is no current. You would have to do very careful statistics to notice that there are slightly more electrons moving in one direction than in the other: the drift velocity (average velocity due to current) of the electrons is typically a fraction of a millimeter per second.

Describe how a battery causes electrons to move in a circuit?

The electrons don't actually move the electricity; the charge moves. The electrons slowly drift in the opposite direction from the charge.

What purpose you use voltage in current?

Electrons cannot flow in a particular direction(current)it moves randomly without external voltage or potential,hence there is no net electric current.hence we need a external potential to drift electrons in a particular direction.

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What moves in an electrical current?

electrons which are the negative charge

Countercyclic economic indicator?

moves in the opposite direction as the economy

When an animal inhale air oxygen moves in the lungs and carbon moves in opposite direction state the law fallowed opposite direction and?

goes out of your nose p.s. carbon dioxide (c02)

What is alternated current?

That refers to a current in which the direction of flow changes continuously. In household current, this usually happens at 50 or 60 cycles per second (depending on the country), but the definition of alternating current can include just about any other frequency, as well.

When peristalsis moves in the opposite direction the result is?

It will probably result in vomiting

What actually moves when an electric current flow?

Electrons move in electron current flow.