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Density is defined as mass divided by volume. If you take two samples of the same material, and one of the two has twice the volume, then it will also have twice the mass - since it is characteristic for a certain material to have a certain amount of mass per volume (i.e., a certain density). Thus, if you take a liter of water, you'll have a mass of one kilogram; two liters of water will have a mass of two kilograms. Divide twice the mass by twice the volume, and you still get the same result.

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Q: Why does density always stay the same regardless of the mass?
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Why does density remain the same regardless of sample size unlike mass or volume?

Density is an intensive property - not dependent on the mass.

What is the same regardless of gravity?

It is the "mass" of a body which always remains same, regardless of gravity.

Is the mass of an object always the same regardless of the size?

No is the short answer

Is it possible to have diffferent volumes yet same density?

Since Density=Volume/Mass, and the mass increases as the volume increases they will always have the same density no matter how big it is.

Why is density considered a characteristic property of a substance but mass and voluje are not?

Because -- You can have a large mass of copper or a small mass of copper, so there's no single mass that always goes with copper, or any other substance. -- You can have a large volume of uranium or a small volume of uranium, so there's no single volume that always goes with uranium, or any other substance. But ... -- No matter whether you have a lot of steel, or silver, or aluminum, or just a little bit of steel, or silver, or aluminum, the same substance will always have the same density no matter how much of it you have. The same density always goes with the same substance, regardless of how much mass or how much volume of it there is.

Does a flattened pancake of clay have the same density as the same clay when rolled into a ball?

If it's not cooked it has the same density.

Does the same amount of mass always fit into the same volume?

No. The amount of mass in a given unit of volume is called density. Density varies depending on the substance and its temperature.

How can a small object be densest if it doesn't have the most mass?

Density is not the same as mass. Density is mass divided by volume.Density is not the same as mass. Density is mass divided by volume.Density is not the same as mass. Density is mass divided by volume.Density is not the same as mass. Density is mass divided by volume.

How can the property of density be useful as qualitative information about a specific substance?

Density information for a substance is useful because it is always the same regardless of the amount of substance there is. Take water for example. The density of water is same regardless if you have ten gallons of it or tablespoon of it. (1 gram/milliliter at STP). Since the density of a substance is always the same this property can exploited to determine the identity of unknown substances.

Is the density of a particular substance always the same as the given weight and mass?

no syfdchyrx

What happens to density of a substance if the mass and volume increase?

Nothing happens to the density. It's a property of the . The density is the same regardless of how large a piece you have. That's why density is a useful concept. It tells you something that's true of the regardless of what size sample you're holding.A large block of ice has the same density as a small ice cube.The 49¢ sample of Acme soap has the same density as the $1.49 family-size bar of Acme soap.

What law states that a compound always contains the same elements in the same proportion by mass regardless of amount?

law of definate proportions