

Why does desmond kill Lucy?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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13y ago

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well.. it is unknown until no.4, but my thoughts would be she is a templar and the apple of eden knows that and forces him to kill her

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you mean how you kill Lucy and you both drop to the ground...when desmond touched the apple of eden he activated it and there was a voice in the backround that said in order to open the path the bond must be broken (i don't know what that means) but im guessing that in order to activate the apple desmond had to kill Lucy and desmond had no choice because he was under the control of the apple of eden.

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Juno controlled Desmond, because Desmond is holding the apple of Eden and then he killed Lucy to get Eve's DNA and in the subject 16 videos, 16 says "your sun, your son, is to weak, must get energy."Desmond must find Eve but Lucy has the DNA of Eve and Lucy and Desmond are going to get a baby and he will save the world but in the end of the credits Desmond is in the animus and if you have all the videos of subject 16 then Lucy is still alive! But the blood is sort of key to Desmond's mission is to find Eve.that's evrything i nowI didn't change the content, just translated it to English. It's still demented rambling, but it now makes sense and is most likely true. I think.

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