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Q: Why does divergent plate boundaries create new ocean crust?
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At what type of plate boundary is new ocean crust formed?

Older material

New ocean crust is formed at?

Divergent plates or mid-ocean ridges

Where can divergent divergent boundary be found?

Most divergent boundaries can be found on the ocean floor. divergent boundaries create Rift Valleys An example of this is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge discovered by Harry Hess.

What do under ocean divergent boundaries create?

it makes mid-oceanic ridges

Ocean ridges are formed by what boundaries?

Divergent boundaries form ocean ridges.

Where do most divergent boundaries occur?

divergent boundaries mostly occur when 2 tectonic plates move apart from each other and this is due to the currents movement. On earth, the form drift vallies and fault. Example can be san andreas fault on western side of united state of america.

The volcanic landforms at divergent ocean plate boundaries are .?

The volcanic landforms at divergent ocean plate boundaries are oceanic ridges.

Where does new crust forms..?

New crust is formed at divergent boundaries. While an equal volume of new crust is forming the Earth still remains the same size.

What happens when divergent boundaries occur in the middle of the ocean?

A ridge with transverse faults is formed, where new oceanic crust (seafloor) is formed.

What happens when divergent boundaries occur in the middle of an ocean?

A ridge with transverse faults is formed, where new oceanic crust (seafloor) is formed.

What is deep oceans trenches?

a deep-ocean trench is a portion of the earth crust

What are the geologic features found at divergent plate boundaries?

Oceanic crust divergent plate boundary features:new oceanic crustwidened ocean basinsunderwater volcanoeslateral faultssubmarine mountain rangesdeep-sea ventsContinental crust divergent plate boundary features:normal faultsuplifted country rockrift valleyssome volcanic activity