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Doping a semiconductor provides additional charge carriers to the material. The dopant atoms are easily ionized, and this provides the semiconductor with either free electrons in the conduction band or electron vacancies (or holes) in the valence band, both of which allow the semiconductor to conduct electricity.

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12y ago

Yes ,The Conductivity of an Intrinsic Semi Conductor material can changed by adding impurities in a process called doping.

Electrical conduction starts only if there is breakage in the covalent bonds and some of the electrons become free to jump from valence band to the conduction band

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Molar conductivity is what increases dilution. It is the conductivity of an electrolyte solution.

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Q: Is doping is used to increase the conductivity of intrinsic semi conductor material?
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What is semi conductor diode?

Semiconductor diodes are made from the same Silicon, and occasionally Germanium, material that transistors, integrated circuits, etc. are made from. Diodes used in early electronic devices were made from vacuum tubes. Somewhat later diodes were made from finned stacks of Selenium. Simple "Crystal Radios" use Galena (lead ore) crystals with a steel pin that is manipulated to find a spot that allows electrical current to flow in only one direction.

What you understand by the term intrinsic semiconductor and how an intrinsic semiconductor is turned into either a p type or an n type material?

An intransic material is a material that have been used in doping process.There are two type of intrinsic material n type and p type.

What factors contribute to the electrical resistance of a conductor?

1) What materials the conductor is made of;2) the average cross-sectional area along the length of the conductor;3) the temperature of a conductor also affects its resistance;4) the length of the conductor is also very important.Generally, the longer the conductor, the higher its resistance.Your students' course materials can probably give you a better answer than mine, or at least you'll know it is the right one.The length, the cross sectional area, temperature of conductor along with the intrinsic property called the specific resistance of the substance.

What is a measure of an object's ability to transmit electricity?

Electrical resistance. Ohms. How well something conducts electricity is called its conductance, which is measured in siemens (S). Conductance is the reciprocal of an objects electrical resistance. G=1/R

What materials are partially conductive?

conductivity is a result of free electrons meaning that they can be riped away fast and the temperature of the material. a colder material has a lower resistance and higher conductivity. materials like metallic oxides have low conductivity and materials like pure copper and aluminum have high conductivity.

Related questions

What must be done to improve the conductivity of intrinsic material?

We must dope the intrinsic material with a Pent or Tri valent impurity to increase the no. of charge carriers in the material.

Is newspaper a thermal conductor?

Yes, it is a material with a high thermal conductivity.

What do you call a material that conducts heat well?

A material with a good thermal conductivity or a thermal conductor.

What is the word that shows moderate electrical conductivity?

Any material is classified as conductor or insulator. There is no perfect conductor or perfect insulator. If a material exhibits more conductivity it is called a conductor and materials with very low conductivity are called insulators. Materials with moderate conductivity would have medium range resistance to electricity. In practice, though, a material either conducts or it doesn't. 'Moderate' would be determined by what you were comparing it to.

What Is a material that allows heat to flow through it easily?

Thermal conductors let heat move through them. Metals are part of this group.

Why gold is good conductor of electricity?

The conductivity (how well a material conducts) of a material depends on the density of its free electrons (number of free electrons per unit volume). The best metal conductor is silver. Copper's conductivity is 95% that of silver. Gold's conductivity is 65% that of silver. So, as you can see, gold is by no means the 'best' conductor.

What is the net charge on intrinsic N type material?

first of all un-doped semi-conductor is said to be intrinsic semi-conductor so, there is no discussion of either N-type or P-type

What is doping in conductor?

The process of adding suitable impurities in the intrinsic semiconductor is called doping. The impurity added to the intrinsic semiconductor to increase its conductivity is called dopant. There are some methods of doping in case of a conductor.impurity atoms can be added to the intrinsic semiconductor in different ways discussed below:A very small quantity of impurity atoms is made by diffusing into the high purity molten material such as germanium when the crystal is grown out of melt.Impurity atoms can also be added into the intrinsic semiconductor by heating it in the environment having impurity atoms.Impurity atoms can also be added into the intrinsic semiconductor by bombarding it with the impurity atoms.

Factors affecting intrinsic conductor?

temperature, mobility of electron hole as well as the mobility of electrons. It is also based off the boltzmann's constant and the Bandgap Energy value of the solid material used to make the intrinsic conductor

Why super conductor is not used?

b'coz super conductivity is achieved only when the material is cooled below a critical temperature. if it cooled above the critical temp. than the material ceases to be a super conductor. to maintain it conductivity helium and liquid nitrogen which is not easy 2 be used that is why super conductor can't be used for commercial purposes in our day to day life

What does thermal conductors mean?

A thermal conductor allows heat to readily flow through itself. An example of a material with a low thermal conductivity would be air, and an example of a material with a high thermal conductivity would be steel.

What is the Difference between reluctance and resistivity?

Resistivity is the intrinsic property of a conductor, and it is independent of the size of that conductor. Resistance is an extrinsic property that makes it dependent upon the amount of the material that there is present.