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Q: Why does each birthstone have its name?
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What is the precious stone used on a birthstone ring?

Each month of the year has a corresponding birthstone. The type of birthstone for each month has changed over time. For example, the modern birthstone for the month of March is Aquamarine. The traditional birthstone is Bloodstone.

Is the name of the birthstone in December zircon?

yes Blue Zircon is the Secondary birthstone The actual birthstone for December is Turquoise.

Is a zodiac birthstone the same as a regular birthstone?

Not exactly. Different Cultures believed in different birthstones for each month. I wouls stick with the tradtional birthstone.

Are diamonds a kind of birthstone?

Diamonds are considered a kind of a birthstone. There are 12 stones and gems that represent each month of the year. The diamond is the birthstone for the month of April.

What does the name Emma have as a birthstone?

Birthstones are based on the month you were born rather than your name. Whatever month Emma was born is the reference to find the birthstone for her.

What is Taylor Swift's birthstone?

Her birthstone is the Blue Topaz, the December birthstone.

What is the mineral name for 7 out of the 12 birthstones?

There is a birthstone to represent each of the 12 months of the year. Seven of these are diamond, ruby, emerald, topaz, opal, pearl, and garnet.

Is there more than one birthstone for each month?

Yes there are. There are the traditional birthstones for each month. And the modern ones.

What days are Amanis mostly born on?

well my name is Amani so I'm guessin' September 12th my birthstone is sapphirewell my name is Amani so I'm guessin' September 12th my birthstone is sapphire

What are the birthstone babies?

Birthstone Babies are a brand of jewelry available at many large and/or accessory stores. They have charms, necklaces, rings, pins and beads, to name a few.

What is Kevin Jonas' birthstone?

Citrine His birthstone is topaz.His birthday is November 5th, 1987 The birthstone for November is Topaz the alternate birthstone is Citrine The mystic birthstone for November was pearl

What is november15 birthstone?

There is no birthstone for birthdays, only birthstones. But November's birthstone is Citrine.