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It tastes bad because it is not meant to be eaten. It is meant to lubricate the ear.

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Q: Why does ear wax taste bad?
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What does ear wax taste like?


What does it mean when your vomit taste like ear wax?

my vomit as mucus mainly

Why is it bad to insert a cotton swab into your ears?

Because you are pushing the ear wax further into your ear. Plus the ear cleans itself. By taking a little bit of ear wax out of your ear each day. If the ear wax does not come out then you should to the DOCTOR so that they can take a look at it and have them clean it out for you.

Is it better to use ear wax or ear plugs for swimming?

ear plugs, ear wax sticks

Bad smell out of cats ear?

yes you should clean your dogs ear otherwise they can have mites and you should clean them once a week bit don't get any water in them.

How is ear wax is formed?

Ear wax is a normal product of the ear which protects the skin of the ear from water and infection. Ear wax is formed from wax glands in the external ear canal as well as other components such as dead skin, sweat, and oil.

Is it bad when you find crusty yellow stuff in your ear?

No, most times it's just dried ear wax which is perfectly normal.

Will your ears produce more ear wax to compensate for the ear wax that has been removed?

Not necessarily. Ear wax is produced naturally as a protective coating for the ear canal, and irritation of the canal can cause increased production. When excessive ear wax has been removed, if there is no irritation the production of ear wax should return to normal.

Why does ma ear get scabs and white ear wax and is sore and itch and feels like somethins crollin in ma ear is that an infection?

There's no such thing as white ear wax. It's either puss or dead skin. Sounds like you've got a really bad infection.

Do candles have any special meanings in different religions?

in shikism they sybolise ear wax in shikism they sybolise ear wax in shikism they sybolise ear wax

What does a crayon taste like?

They taste a little funny

Are there different types of ear wax?

Yes, there re different types of ear wax, dry ear wax, wet, etc.... But if your ear wax is too wet or dry, that means you are sick or not eating too well.... I hope you are OK. with my answer......