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It is commonly said that the amino acid "Tryptophan" in turkey is the cause for drowsiness after eating. Many other foods (including many meats) contain tryptophan also and it is more likely the intake of a large meal (especially containing a high number of carbohydrates), like Thanksgiving dinners as a whole, that causes the body to feel drowsy.

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Q: Why does eating turkey make you feel sleepy afterwards?
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Why do you feel sleepy after you eat turkey?

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Why does eating turkey make people feel so sleepy?

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Why do people feel tired after eating roasted turkey?

Turkey is known to contain L-tryptophan, which is an amino acid which causes tiredness in humans, and this is the main reason for people to feel tired after eating turkey.

Is no rest right after eating is not good?

It is not the matter of no resting, good or not. The blood flows to the digestive system, not to our brain. That is the reason why we feel very sleepy after eating. Concentration after eating is to the digestion, not to thinking.

What drug increase in the brain after eating turkey makes you tired?

The theory that turkey makes you sleepy stems from the fact that turkey contains an amino acid called tryptophan. Our bodies use tryptophan to produce the vitamin B3 or niacin, which is essential to creating serotonin, a neurotransmitter thought to contribute to feelings of well-being and happiness. Serotonin is also the precursor to the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.The truth is that turkey doesn’t contain any more tryptophan than many other meats, and it even contains slightly less than most cheeses. That means it’s unfair to blame your post-dinner coma on turkey alone.So, why do we specifically associate Thanksgiving dinner with feeling sleepy? Probably because we’re eating many foods high in tryptophan during the course of the evening, and that tryptophan is amplified by the carbs from rolls, potatoes, and other savory starches. Not to mention the fact that overeating gives the body more digestive work to do, thus using more energy.

Why Sleepy after you eat?

The blood supply is partially diverted to stomach and intestines for digestion and absorption. Relatively less blood reaches brain and muscles so we feel tired and sleepy.

Why you feel pain in body and bones after eating meal and feel more tiered and weak?

That isn't normal, after eating a meal you should have a feeling of content, not pain and weakness, although it isn't uncommon to feel sleepy after a nice big meal, you should see your GP about this.

Can you be pregnant if you are sleepy and feeling bloated?

Yes,but there are also many other reasons to feel sleepy and bloated.

Is it ok for a 12 year old girl to get sleepy after eating a lot?

Yes, and this is physiologically normal. After eating a large meal, the body automatically diverts a large proportion of blood to the stomach and intestines to help with digestion. A consequence of this is that you will feel sleepy until the body has finished digesting the food and can divert the blood back to nonvital organs like muscles.

Why people feel sleepy at night hour?

because night is meant for sleeping and after so much long hours of work or of awakeness we feel sleepy- rahul