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Q: Why does edema occur in bedridden patients?
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Which condition is most likely to occur in the legs of a bedridden patients?

Deep vein thrombosis and pressure sores

How many patients have disabling edema following malignant melanoma surgery?

Though it does not occur in all patients (5% to 20%, depending on the extremity and extent of the dissection), it can be a disabling symptom.

Who are the patients who need frequent mouth care?

bedridden patients with tube feed pt who is on suction

Who gets pulmonary edema?

Heart failure patients

How long after eating salt will edema occur?

Edema may occur, say within one hour of taking that extra salt in susceptible individuals.

What is nonpitting edema?

Non-pitting edema is a type of swelling. Pitting edema occurs when the swollen area is pressed and remains indented. The indentation does not occur with non-pitting edema.

Why is pulmonary edema treated with phlebotomy?

Patients with pulmonary edema may undergo phlebotomy procedures to decrease their total blood volume.

How could upper extremity edema occur?

in the bladder

When is the bedridden patients requires physiotherapy?

can start from the first day itself, starting with the bed activities depending on the condition we can progress to ambulation...

Can oedema occur in the pituitary gland?

Yes, the pituitary gland can suffer edema.

Which condition sometime forms in the legs of a patient who is bedridden?

There is a condition caused deep vein thrombosis which can occur in bedridden patients. This condition is when a blood clot forms in the deep veins of one or both legs. Deep vein thrombosis is not only painful, it is also dangerous because the clot can break loose and travel to other parts of the body.

How do you use the word bedridden in a sentence?

The word 'bedridden' is an adjective used to describe a noun as forced to stay in bed by illness or infirmity.Example sentences:I visit my bedridden mother daily. (adjective)She became bedridden when she broke her hip. (predicate adjective, restates the subject of the sentence)