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Q: Why does elastic band around arm increase visibility of veins?
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Which of the following is a difference between arteries and veins?

artery walls have more elastic tissue and smooth muscle than veins,

What do Gradient elastic stockings do?

They decrease the risk of blood clots by compressing superficial leg veins and forcing blood into the deep veins

What are the three different types of vessels?

arteries thick walled and elastic blood vessels capillaries and veins

Why do veins have less collagen elastic fibers and smooth muscles than arteries?

Because blood in veins is under lower pressure than in arteries, so they do not need as many collagen fibres. In addition, as veins already have a wide diameter, they do not need to dilate that much hence they also dont contract that much (as opposed to artieries), so they have less elastic recoil, thus they have less elastic fibres. :)

When I am cold why can you see my veins?

Temperature has little, if anything to do with vein visibility. You can see veins at any given time (usually), if you look at your wrist or anyplace the skin is thin.

What are the different blood vessels?

arteries thick walled and elastic blood vessels capillaries and veins

Why do veins become smaller with age?

As people age, the walls of veins may become less elastic and more rigid due to changes in the structural proteins within the vein walls. This can cause the veins to narrow or become smaller in diameter. Additionally, the accumulation of fatty deposits or plaques within the veins can contribute to their narrowing.

What does contraction of veins do to the venous system?

Contraction of veins would increase venous return to the right atrium. It would increase the efficiency of the heart pumping.

What type of tissue is found in the walls of the arteries that leave the heart but not in the large veins that enter the heart?

elastic tissue, I had this question as part of my online assignment, I answered it and it was correct ;)

How many layers has a vein?

veins have many thin layers with circular elastic and muscle fibres and a wide lumen

Does veins has internal elastic lamina?

yes they do have it......according to me but u should consult it to some other sites as ell

What is the difference between an artery and a vein and what do they do?

Arteries are more elastic but have smaller lumen. They carry blood away from the heart. Veins are less elastic have larger lumen and have valves. They carry blood to the heart.