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Q: Why does energy flow and chemicals cycle through food webs?
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How does the flow of nutrients in an ecosystem differ from the flow of energy in an ecosystem?

The flow of energy in an ecosystem is unidirectional and is not cyclic. It is represented in a flowchart form. The flow of nutrients in an ecosystem is cyclic like a water cycle. An example for flow of energy is :- sun --- producer --- primary consumer --- secondary consumer --- tertiary consumer --- decomposer. The energy remained in the is very little and it is released as heat. An example for flow of nutrients is :- air, water, soil --- producer --- primary consumer ----secondary consumer --- tertiary consumer ---- decomposer ---- air, water, soil--- and so on (cyclic)

Are energy flow through the biosphere and biogeochemical cycles the same thing?

I'm not an expert, but as far as I know, they are different. Biogeochemical cycles refer to the actual chemicals, such as phosphates or nitrates which move through the biosphere, while the energy flow through the biosphere is based on how the consumption of other plants and animals allows for a flow of energy towards increasing complexity.

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How does energy flow through an ecosystem?

What is through flow in the water cycle?

through flow is when infiltrated water moves through soil to the sea.

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The nitrogen cycle

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What chemicals flow in cycles from the nonliving environment to living things and back again?

Chemical processes cycle energy from the sun through living things in a process called photosynthesis. Only plants photosynthesize and they do this to make food for themselves and other organisms. They collect energy from the sun and use it, along with water and other nutrients by converting them to sugars.

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The chakra.

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A Cycle

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What shows the flow of energy through an ecosystem?

Energy Pyramid