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Differential selection is just that, differential. Some variation is marginally superior to another variation us fitness difference, so the key is to have variation. Then natural selection will " see " this slight variation and select the better adapted trait against the background of the immediate environment.

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Q: Why does evolution evolution by natural selection can not occur if the variation in a characteristic does not contribute to differences in fitness?
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6 Explain why evolution by natural selection can not occur if the variation in a characteristic does not contribute to differences in fitness?

If there is not reproductive fitness conveyed by a variant trait, then natural selection has nothing to select and nothing to promote into the populational gene pool.

What conditions contribute to evolution?

Variability, heredity, and natural selection are 3 main things that contribute to evolution.

How does natural selection contribute to biological evolution?

Selection is not always of the most fit to survive.

How do mutations natural selection geographic isolation genetic drift and migration contribute to biological evolution?

they contribute to biological evolution by how they've affected the evolution rate by increasing it or decreasing it

How environmental factors contribute to evolution by natural selection.?

Environmental factors ARE evolution by natural selection. The immediate environment is the selector of the organisms that are differentially successful against the immediate environment.

What allows natural selection and evolution to occur for a tree?

differences in the characteristics of individual trees

What are the differences between Darwin's theory of evolution and conflicting theories?

It is no longer Darwin's theory, as Darwin has been dead about 130 years. There are no credible alternatives to the modern theory of evolution by natural selection. So, the differences is; the theory of evolution by natural selection is supported by myriad lines of converging evidence and explains the natural phenomenon that is evolution very well. The " conflicting theories " have no evidence supporting them and explain nothing.

How does a characteristic that contributes to few or no offspring not become more common as a result of evolution by natural selection?

The question answers itself: the characteristic is passed onto few or no offspring, and therefore will not spread throughout the population.

Is natural selection a cause of evolution?

No, natural selection is believed to result in evolution.

How is natural selection and evolution linked?

Natural selection is one of the 'guiding' principles of evolution.

Can natural selection exist with out evolution?

Perhaps not, but evolution can exist without natural selection.

What is the natural selection favors the intermediate version of a characteristic it is called?

It is called evolution. After all, all characteristics, as far as evolution is concerned, are intermediate. They're all temporary variants, on their way to becoming something else.