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Q: Why does extra nitrogen need to be added to the soil?
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What does nitrate fertilizer mean?

Its fertilizer with extra nitrogen added to it. The nitrogen helps the soil.

Why is nitrogen not added in soil which leguminous plants are grown?

Legumes "fix" nitrogen in nodules on their roots, so they do not need additional nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Why is nitrogenous fertilizer not added in soil in which leguminous plants are grown?

Because leguminous plants are capable of fixing free nitrogen from the air with help of their root nodules. Thus soil get rich in nitrates in those places where these plants are grown.

The nitrogen that plants need to grow comes from?


What are the advantages of adding fertilizer to soil that lacks nitrogen?

The fact that nitrogen will be added to the nitrogen deficient soil is the advantage of adding fertilizer. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the major nutrients that plants and soils need. Commercial, conventional, standard, synthetic fertilizers also are called NPK fertilizers. The initials come from the first letters of the scientific names for precisely these three nutrients. Additionally, nitrogen is present in such organic fertilizers as compost. So whether by the inorganic or the organic route, the soil gets nitrogen when it gets a fertilizer treatment.

Plants need soil?

No, but they do need the nutrients commonly found in the soil, and nitrogen fixing soil bacteria are extremely beneficial, though not technically necesary, to plants.

What would happen to the root hairs if too much nitrogen containing fertilizers were added to the soil?

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What are legum?

Legumes are plants that can use nitrogen from the air for growth. This nitrogen can be added to the soil to increase soil fertility. Legumes include peas and beans.

Why is nitrogen important in the soil?

plants need nitrogen to grow thats why in ponds there is alot of plants cuz the nitrogen runs off from the fields!!

Does soil contain nitrogen?

Yes, soil does contain nitrogen.

How can someone increase the nitrogen in the soil?

Lightning increases nitrogen in the soil

What does not increase the amount of nitrogen in the soil?

It doesn't. Harvesting removes soil nitrogen